Nasrallah faces Nasrallah and Arslan?


When Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hbadan Nasrallah devoted part of his recent television appearance to the legality of Ein Dara's industrial complex, explaining the motives of Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblatt for the 39, to prevent working in the enclosure. The center of Nasrallah's house insists on his opinion. But the surprise that resonated with Haret Hreik is that the Environment Minister, Fadi Jreissati, reacted immediately after Nasrallah's televised pbadage to the line of crushers' file at Dahr al-Baydar and at the complex of 39 Ain Dara, while the prosecutor at Mount Lebanon had then decided to seal Ghadaoun. Crushers and laboratory wax.

Questions arose in the political circles concerned by the bulletin, because it is "the secret of this double impulse and its identity: why did the Free Patriotic Movement lead the implementation of what Jumblatt wishes, in order to show the challenge to the Hezbollah Secretary General and the President of the Democratic Party, does the head of state and foreign minister, Gebran Bbadil, know the secret of the Jreissati race or Why does the Minister of the Environment not recognize judicial decisions, the decisions of the Minister of Industry Hussein Hajj Hbadan or the administrative decisions "In force".

"The challenge did not stop at these borders, but Jreissati continued his campaign by saying, especially from Zahle, that he was pursuing his plan and that he had not afraid of the threat or of those behind the grinders. " The officials concerned interpreted the words of the Minister of Environment that he spoke of "Hezbollah" and sent only the others. Because the party was held alongside the owner of the Ain Jarat Pierre-Fattoush industrial park industrial complex, Nasrallah publicly underlined during his televised speech on the "right to work in the complex" and Arslan supports all the crushers of Dahr al -Baydar and Ain Darah and boasts of defending his recognized rights.

Suddenly, Jumblatt left the battle after his response to Nasrallah and after Fattoush televised the documents and text of a telephone message sent by the head of "Progressive" to Prime Minister Saad Hariri and the Minister of the Environment at the top of the confrontation scene. The people concerned claim that "Jreissati is trying to alert the deputies and mayors of the mountains and the Bekaa so that he will support his battle after complaining that he is the only one to face those who are behind the destroyers, Hezbollah and Arsalan, without supporting him, with the exception of promises to support him. " Allies of the Free Patriotic Movement: "The Minister of the Environment personally manages the battle of Jumblatt, and not the battle of his current, at a sensitive moment, which raises suspicion and suspicion about the existence of 39; a hidden pole revolving around special interests, in light of the authorization of new crushers on the outskirts of Keserwan and the contractor Jihad Arabs in several places "He said. Insiders believe that Jreissati sided with the Minister of Industry, Wael Abu-Faour, who overturned the decision of former Minister of Industry, Hussein Al-Haj Hbadan, before the State Advisory Council resumes its usual activities. Law The persons concerned stated that "Hezbollah and the Democratic Party are very disturbed by this behavior and by the way Jreissati conducted the campaign in such a way as to show that he had defied Nasrallah publicly and intentionally". In Dahr al-Baydar and Ain Dara, "and take action without underlining any decision, noting that it is not the prerogative of the prosecutor's office to appeal", the interested party felt that what s & # 39; 39 was past was the implementation of the requirements of Jumblatt and security forces after the positions of Nasrallah and Arslan, at one point Jihad A to the Arabs or Siblin and others.

As a result, the Bulletin learned that the legal and policy reviews prepared by the parties involved were based on the following: "Aoun J. does not recognize judicial decisions, Parliamentary recommendations or licenses issued prior to the establishment of the National Council of quarries and crushers. " They point out that "the closing decision was not based on a legal text or hearing statements, nor on the right of defense, but simply on a request for waiver of licenses, which allows the transfer the record because of legitimate suspicions of behavior, suspicion and suspicion of neutrality ". Consequently, the parties concerned consider that all the measures taken against them are of a political nature and that "interests have led the Minister of the Environment to devote himself to the Dahr al-Baydar case and have designated exclusively as a result of complaints regarding the lack of solutions to the waste file in more than one area ". On this basis, the people concerned believe that the confrontation continues on several judicial and political fronts:

First, the filing of a lawsuit to rectify the situation, postpone the closure decision and replace the judiciary by a judicial decision following a request has become the thread of the implementation .

Second, the failure of career owners about their rights unless the state guarantees them alternatives and pays no compensation, as happens in every country in the world.

Thirdly, the targeted political parties, in particular Hezbollah and the Lebanese democrat, should raise the ceiling of their defense of labor and workers, because the conflict also follows a political course conducted by Jumblatt in public and in secret.

Fourth, filing claims in international tribunals will cost the Lebanese public treasury hundreds of millions of dollars in tough economic times, and plaintiffs hold the environment minister responsible for these benefits.

This article, "Grisati faces Nasrallah and Erslan?" (Lebanon), and in no way reflects the site's policy or point of view, and that the responsibility rests on the actuality or authenticity of the source of the news bulletin. origin (Lebanon).

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