Thus, the "Lino" was linked to the decision of the Minister of Labor and the events of the camp of Ain el-Hilweh


The Palestinian political scene has been on the political scene for some time since Lebanese Labor Minister Camille Abu Suleiman decided to enforce Lebanese labor law to foreigners in order to protect Lebanese labor. The decision sparked reactions to Palestinian refugees, Abu Suleiman likening the Palestinian to any other foreigner working on Lebanese territory and forcing him to obtain a work permit to carry out his work.

Palestinian forces converged in all camps and opposed the resolution, which they consider unfair and unfair to refugees. On the decision of the Minister of Labor of the Secretary of the Movement for Democratic Reform in the "Fatah" movement in Lebanon, Brigadier General Mahmoud Issa, nicknamed "Lino"Lebanon 24"We believe that the decision of the Minister of Labor is a political decision with more substance than we think.It is true that the minister speaks legally that every foreigner must obtain a work permit, but this decision was frozen with the former Ministers because international law allowed refugees to be permanent residents and to work without authorization, and we are afraid of decisions that can be made later. "

He added: "Some have talked about facilities for obtaining work permits, but even the issue of facilities is totally and unacceptably rejected by us as a Palestinian people," he said. It has duplicated the Palestinians with regard to the obligation to take work permits as a foreigner. Knowing that he lives here and spends and invests his money in Lebanon. "We are in agreement with the document that was drafted by the 48-point dialogue committee, which gave us the right to work, property and other rights. accepted and signed the document. " He asked: "Why do not you accept this document? No need for dialogue, because there is a consensus and a Lebanese consensus on it and even evoked by President Saad Hariri."

"The fears of refugees in Lebanon that the Minister of Labor adhered to his decision harbading our right to be a minister have two options: either the displacement of Palestinians or the resettlement, because we see that the door to the resettlement and that is what concerns us, as a Palestinian people, categorically reject resettlement ", Lino said" Lebanon 24 ".

The Lino comments on the refusal of Lebanese forces and the Free Patriotic Movement, which supported Abu Suleiman's decision on the problem of emiratization, stating: "Leaks from influential Lebanese officials in the first place. ranks are fearing strong pressure on Lebanon for resettlement, we call on our Lebanese brothers to join hands in facing the next agreement of the century, which imposes conditions on the Lebanese government in exchange for economic issues. and other issues, and demands that we obtain our civil rights in order to protect ourselves from immigration and resettlement and to deal with this project.

Commenting on the movements that coincided with the decision, Brigadier General Elino stated that "the movements were manifested by unprecedented national and Islamic unity in all high-level camps, under the pretext of claiming our civil rights, not just the right to work and property, and we will not be retiring. "

"There is no doubt that some have concerns, but I badure you that the movements in all camps are very disciplined and engaged, and that no one is allowed to go beyond this discipline", a- he declared.

If there is a connection between the claimed movements and the recent events occurring in the camp of Ein el-Hilweh, Al-Lino reports that at the beginning of the demonstrations, one of the militants, Abdullah Sobha, murdered a young Bedouin family, supposed to strike the movement with external instructions from parties who are not satisfied with our disciplined movements. While these parties were trying to exert pressure in a number of ways to thwart this initiative, without being able to choose to use the security issue, the latter failed because all Bedouins are wounded and act rationally. . We then have data that extremist terrorist groups, especially Bilal al-Arqoub, are going to create a joke about security because they are bound to thwart the solidarity, solidarity and cohesion that exist between our people. Get rid of these suspicious groups linked to outside agendas completely out of the Palestinian fabric. "

Considering the possibility that the badbadination of Al-Arqoub and the surrender of his sons Osama and Youssef to the Lebanese state be accompanied by repercussions, especially after the flight of his son Mohammed, he said, "I learned that Mohammed was in an area close to Manshiyya and that the young people were watching her to stop him. "All possibilities exist," he said. "There are still many wanted men who have died, and I sent a message during Khomeini 's funeral to ban him from any terrorist, murderer or beggar to miss nothing.

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