Russian government hackers target Internet devices


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Microsoft's Threat Center announced that hackers working for the Russian government were using printers and desktop decoders Video And other Internet devices as a bridge to penetrate the targeted computer networks.
In detail, the center explained that these devices have become points of attraction to integrate hackers into the network and establish a presence, while continuing to seek more access.
Once hackers have accessed the network, scanning the network for other insecure devices allows them to discover the network and move to higher privileged accounts that provide access to the network. The data Greater value.
Bad security practices were responsible in each case, including the use of default pbadwords and the execution of a firmware version containing a known security vulnerability.
Each of these penetrating devices was connected to a server belonging to Strontium, a Russian government penetration group known as Fancy Bear or APT28.
The experts have badociated this group with numerous hacking operations, including the hacking of the World Anti-Doping Agency in 2016, the German Federal Bundestag and the French television channel TV5Monde.
Last month, Microsoft said the following: Nearly 10,000 customers were alerted last year by local hackers and Strontium was one of the named hacker groups by Microsoft.
The giant software companies have alerted the target device manufacturers so that they can explore the possibility of adding a new protection.
Microsoft security researchers discovered these attacks in April and found that hackers had hacked a desktop printer, a VOIP phone, and a video decoder in multiple locations.

Source of the image: Getty Images

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