Our goal is to give Akkar his right of nomination


MP Hadi Hubeish, member of the Future bloc, received in his office at "Al-Kobayat" a delegation from the Akkari civil movement and discussed with him topics of interest to Akkar.

Speaking on behalf of the delegation, Jamal Khadr said: "The house of Sheikh Hadi Hobeish is the home of all Akkari and we are here today to discuss the issue of appointments.

He added: "Our rights are sacred and the duty of the deputies to defend these rights and can not continue the absence of Akkar on the national scene and the best people."

He concluded by stating, "We have held our demands and hope that we will all be deputies, municipalities, spiritual references and civil society at the heart of a man to realize these claims.

Hubeish welcomed the delegation and said, "Civil society has an important role to play and we are part of it." Our goal is the same: Akkar has the right to nominate members of the first category, the diplomatic corps , military appointments and political power through appointments to the government. "

He added: "Akkar is still oppressed and in this session we are here pure structures because the goal is common and represents the best interest of Akkar and his people."

Abizaid said: "In my name and on behalf of all the deputies and all those who are attached to Akkar, we are on the one hand to take the right of this region, which sacrificed a lot and that the State must still give it its rights to development. "

He concluded: "We and you are at the beginning of a joint work and we thank you for these projects and ideas for the region.The truth must be placed on the tourist map of Akkar, but we need studies, the most important, and then funding.

Hubeish received at the end of the visit of the delegation of the movement a copy of the project prepared by the movement of the beach of the slave.

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