The escalation continues … Does progressive socialist data have contacts with ministers?


Instead of "releasing" more complexity, what was possible today is no longer the case for solutions to resolve the crisis of the Qabrishmoun incident and the disruption of the Lebanese government. The escalation continued at the press conference held by the Progressive Socialist Party, explicit accusation of the Minister of Industry Wael Abu Faour to the ministers of the President of the Republic and his political team to interfere in the judicial system in favor of the "criminalization" of the party.

Abu Faour referred to the investigations carried out by the information service, which concluded that the incident did not constitute an "armed ambush to badbadinate a minister", referring to the speech made by the Minister of the Presidency, Elias, and Minister of Defense Elias, within the judiciary. Judge Jean Fahad and the President of the Supreme Judicial Council, Judge Jean Fahad, but the most important point in this context was the presentation of Abu Faour on the "timing" of communication between Jreissati and Judge Fadi Sawan. Which raises the question: does the Progressive Socialist Party (DATA) have a link? S, and if the answer is yes, how, and is now "data" connections are available for those who wish? What is the role of security services in this regard?

Many questions await the answers of the people concerned, but that was not all in the speech of Abu Faour. Far from politics, he was remarkable for his "popular response" and the "street", which means "street", which raises the level of anxiety, this street has always been a place of chaos. No solution and a playground for fishermen in troubled waters. Is a progressive socialist moving on his street? According to progressive party sources, talking about the "street" is not a threat. Demonstrations are guaranteed by the constitution and the right of expression is protected by law, especially as Abu Faour has emphasized "legal and peaceful frameworks". Progressive. "


Informed sources reveal that "the initiative of President Nabih Berri has been suspended and has not been canceled, as a result of the events that occurred in the Qabrshoun incident," stressing that "l & # 39; President Michel Aoun's entry on the line and an explosion "The dispute over judicial investigations has affected and will affect the resolution of the problem. "

The sources added that "Berri thinks that things have become more difficult than before and that what was previously applied to the solution was no longer available because it now needs a multiple solution." to resolve the discrepancies, "stressing that" the crisis has reached its peak and that it is therefore very difficult to hold a governmental meeting before Eid. "

If Berri's initiative based on "reconciliation" has been frozen, the Speaker of the House of Representatives has long advocated a political reconciliation between Jumblatt and Arslan in order to allow the government to come together to face difficult circumstances but today, his conditions no longer exist, especially after the progressive socialist accusation that he was targeting a president. The free patriotic movement Gibran Bbadil was ambushed, which means that the crisis is no longer confined between Arslan and Jumblatt. In this context, the sources reveal that the issue of convening the government has become a matter of substance, but that the "calm" is the most important, because the pursuit of things in its escalation will lead to the next day.

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It should also be noted that the original news has been published and is available in the information letter (Lebanon). They were confirmed by the Gulf 365 editorial team. They may have been modified and fully transferred. You can read and follow the evolution of this news from their main source.

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