We reject any project to locate a landfill in the real estate perimeter of the city.


The mayor of Majdal Anjar Said Ybadin pointed out that "the city, in all directions, opposed the observation of the name of Majdal Anjar in all the perimeters of landfill, crusher or quarry located in the real estate park in the city or in the East Mountains ".

"Majdal Anjar rejects any aforementioned proposal," he said at a press conference held in the municipality building in the presence of the mayor of Soueiri Hussein Amer, chairman of the mukhtar committee of Zahle Ali Youssef and several sheikhs and members of the city council.

He called on Prime Minister Saad Hariri and the Prime Minister to be vigilant in this regard and not to include the name of the city in these guidelines regarding landfills, crushers and quarries.

Ybadin requested that the conversion of the 1046 properties listed in the Landfill Directive be an industrial zone and a free zone.

In turn, the mayor of Sowairi Hussein Amer announced the total and categorical rejection of the presence of any landfill, quarry or crusher in the East Lebanon mountain range at Sowairi or Majdal Anhar.

Attorney Mohammed Al-Ajmi asked questions about the feasibility and the study on which the Ministry of the Environment and the authorities concerned took advantage of environmental environmental recommendations for crushers, quarries and sanders especially since the mountainous region is famous for its rich groundwater and its feeding from the Bekaa springs.

"Majdal Anjar has paid a heavy price, starting with the Arab Highway towards the European highway, and today it is planned to create a landfill for waste and crushers", he declared.

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