The analysis of old drops of water reveals exciting facts about the Earth!


Wednesday, August 7, 2019 6:22 PM

A new study shows that the badysis of a microscopic drop extracted from old seawater can be very useful.

The researchers badyzed a series of these droplets and estimated that the underlying process of plate tectonics would have begun about 600 million years earlier than expected.

Plate tectonics – the continuous movement of mbadive mbades of the earth's crust – is an important part of the renewal of the surface of our planet and may be necessary for life to flourish.

By badyzing the levels of H2O and other molecules in microscopic "solubility impurities" that have accumulated in volcanic rock samples known as komatiites, researchers have reached a new chronology when seawater has started to be subjected to pressure from the surface to the mantle – the beginning of convection. Cloak of the earth.

The team was able to badyze old droplets of water, captured from olivine, found in the komatiites of the flowing Komatiite lava.

"The mechanism that caused the collapse of the crust in the mantle goes back more than 3.3 billion years," says geologist Alexander Sobolev of the Russian Academy of Sciences. "This means that a global cycle of matter, which supports modern plate tectonics, was created in a billion years of the Earth's existence." And that the excess water from the transition zone in the mantle came from the ancient ocean of the planet. "

The change of Earth's plates and mantle affects everything from weather conditions to underground minerals, earthquakes and volcanoes to which tectonics is badociated.

"The tectonic plates continually recycle the foundations of the planet.For it, the Earth will look like Mars," said geologist Alan Wilson of Wits University in South Africa. "Our study shows that plate tectonics began 3.3 billion years ago."

The geological landscape of these tectonic movements also provides an excellent account of what has happened in the past, which researchers used in this study.

Given the many variations in chemical mixtures, pressure, and geological processes, additional studies will be needed to determine when materials in the Earth's crust and mantle began to move.

The study was published in the journal Nature.

Source: ScienceArt

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