Eddie Maalouf in response to Abdullah: We will win the battle of state building


The block MP "Strong Lebanon" Eddie Maalouf via his account on "Twitter", a member of the "democratic meeting" MP Bilal Abdullah, said: "Your colleague Bilal Abdullah, corruption charges against us today. hui, as accusations of dealing with "Israel" August 7, 2001 … Just as we won the battle of freedom, sovereignty and independence, we will win the battle of the construction of the 39; State and anti-corruption, but this time, we will ensure not to participate in this victory, with the exception of those who deserve it. "

"I reply to my colleague Eddie Maalouf, if I understood your colleague correctly, that they should consult you as an experienced person, by combining political agreements with the taking of profits from contracts, sub-contracts and and selling the Lebanese nationality to whom it is entitled, "said Abdullah Gord.

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