Farzali: What's happening is a plan programmed to disrupt the presidency of Aoun


"What is happening today, it is a process programmed to disrupt the reign of President Michel Aoun," said Vice President Elie Farzli, stressing that he was confident that, as soon as On the first day of his term, President Aoun took office, as well as the problems that arose, in forming the government at today's events, all these attempts to thwart the Covenant.

In an interview with Asharq Al-Awsat, Al-Farzli said: "There is no beneficiary to disrupt the Pact, but losers.The first loser is Lebanon and the citizens." He stressed that what was happening, it is "use Lebanon as an arena". He is disturbed. "

With regard to the Jabal incident, Farzli felt that it was "a crime found guilty and unacceptable by all criteria, and that he therefore possessed all of the characteristics of his referral to the Council of Justice ", pointing out that referral needed a government, the latter being a political consensus, and that such a consensus does not exist. He stressed that "wisdom requires not to stop the country". He said: "I am with the convening of the Council of Ministers and the conduct of the affairs of the country and the people without hesitation, and that the judiciary naturally follows its course to investigate the crime that has been committed."

In a related context, Farzli said that "Prime Minister Saad Hariri has avoided the convening of the Council of Ministers in light of this sharp division so as not to shake the government," and continued, "I am with this step and he is right, and I think his decision is wise, but today and a month later, he sees President Aoun must reconvene the cabinet in the absence of solution to the horizon noting that the conflict is growing in scale and taking on a non-local dimension, depending on the general conflict in the region and the parties centered and placed in their place.

Farzli added: "I see the need to neutralize the Council of Ministers of this conflict by meeting regularly to discuss the affairs of the people, apart from the conflict on the background of the Qabrishmon issue, which must be left in the custody of the competent judiciary to deal with the matter in a natural way during the course of the investigation. "Do not disturb the government."

Regarding the accession of Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblatt to his terms after meeting with foreign ambbadadors and not accepting the initiatives he was working on, Farzli stressed that "the issue went beyond local conflict to regional conflict. and that this was not desirable and did not lead to the desired goal, "especially if the goal is stability and the search for a solution. The use of this incident and the creation of climates accumulate the problem on the basis of the fight against the Covenant; it's another. "

Regarding the subject of equality and Article 95 of the Constitution, Farzli stressed that "the message could have been poorly dressed if the President did not deliver his famous speech the day after the first day of the year. sending the Army Day, where he put the emphasis on the maintenance of (the Taif Accord), "He pointed out that" the intention of President Aoun when ". he went on to question intact the message sent to President Nabih Berri ".

He added: "There is a question about Article 95 of the Constitution, which provides for the abolition of the rule of sectarian representation and the adoption of skills in public office, judicial, military and security institutions and public and mixed institutions, in accordance with the requirements of national reconciliation, with the exception of the functions of the first category ". Civil, I sympathized with her because she was right. The right of those who have succeeded Mahfouz, because he has prepared a bill to this effect, and therefore that Article 80 mentions a text concerning them or not, their right is reserved ".

"But one observation is that the success rate is 90% for Muslims versus 10% for Christians, which is why the political spirit that runs the state must look for a way to replicate a minimum requirement of national reconciliation, "said Farzli. The need to always think about it, came the President of the Republic in this context under the roof of the Constitution (Taif) and the spirit (Taif) and membership in (Taif).

Al-Farzli felt that "all this confusion that attempts to sow turmoil in the context of intrigue and personal interests, but that calm and sober dialogue must be the basis at this stage, as well as in the approach to this topic and all other topics.

Farzli felt that "the days to come will be better and that what is happening on the national scene today is only obstacles to the process to reach the best stage, such as the obstacles that have been placed before the electoral law and the formation of the government and the budget, "stressing that" this part of the obstacles that lead to prevent the realization of stadium "I am still convinced that Lebanon will go beyond this stage and enter a positive phase To stabilize ourselves, we must not forget that it is part of an inflamed region engaged in fierce conflict at the level of global and regional countries and therefore has implications for it. "

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