Will the Council of Ministers meet after Eid al-Adha?


On his return to Beirut, Prime Minister Saad Hariri began to take an interest in the measures that could be taken to save his government from the paralysis that has plagued it for nearly a month and ten days.

According to sources working to solve the problem of "Republic", "the scenario closest to reality is now to ask the Council of Ministers to meet immediately after Eid al-Adha, so that" it will meet at the Presidential Palace with an agreed agenda after the discussion of the political file related to the incident.If the debate rages, the session will be adjourned, which will end the disruption of the Council of Ministers, main goal of the majority of political forces.

As for the question of Qabrshmoun, once all the efforts have been exhausted and the limits of the positions and messages have been exceeded, return to the normal size while any controversial political file ends in the Lebanese way. "

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