Bassil is a presidential candidate for the House of People Australia News – Australia News


Last update: 2 hours and 48 minutes

SOURCE: Lebanese newspaper Al – Akhbar


Author: Hiyam Al – Qusaifi

views: 103

From a land belonging to the Lebanese Maronite Order (in an exceptional and strange transformation, after the Christian parties became Maronite endowment investors), the leader of the Free Patriotic Movement, Gebran Bbadil, announced yesterday his indirect candidacy for the Presidency, with a clear and focused work program.

Beyond the reconstruction of the "House of the People" for the current and restoration of images of the past, collect the donor money of the 90s at the people's palace and determine the motto of the donation dollar, not in Lebanese pounds, jumping on the history of reconciliation and the role of Patriarch Mar Nasrallah Boutros in defense of the mountain and arena Bbadil is running for president by presenting a state comprehensive venues of achievements and aspirations of all, calling on his opponents and allies to follow the path of the remaining three years of President Michel Aoun's term.

The leader of the Lebanese Forces Party, Dr. Samir Geagea, has not, since the reconciliation between the forces and the national movement and the Maarab agreement, to the extent that it is currently taking place. After the reconciliation began the gradual separation of parties, in municipal and then parliamentary elections and the formation of the second government and its explosive sittings, and until the high-level positions occupied recently by Geagea, the leader of the forces took his distance from the Covenant and his party. Geagea knows that Bbadil, as heir to the crown prince and president, is following in the end. In the light of local and regional developments, Geagea chose to take a step back, as he also realizes that Bbadil's shares could be elevated given the balance of power and alliances he had woven and woven. without the umbrella of Aoun. But the accession of Bbadil to the presidency can not be done by jumping on all the forces, in particular the Lebanese forces, as a party that fights against the most important Christian representation today. Geagea moves away with the maximum price, in case any settlement would require the arrival of Basil, and the settlement of these problems is expected after the arrival of Aoun at Baabda. In the government, the administration, political positions, the mountain incident and the cessation of the work of the Council of Ministers, he devotes his position to a behavior totally contrary to the performance of the current.

The error made by Bbadil the day before yesterday, according to which he contributed to the deepening of this distance, and Geagea during his voluntary departure from the Alliance and the current. It is not true that reconciliation and a separate Maarab agreement are two sides of the same coin that can not be separated at all. The reflection of the rebound of existing tensions has become a reality that can not be underestimated, especially as it affects new segments of society on both sides. The record of this relationship did not close quickly, contrary to what is happening in the government's record and the appointments and Article 95 of the Constitution and the Qabrishmon incident. All this can help to find a solution, but the relationship between the current and the forces will not be resolved soon and will return in its many crises until the moment of the presidency. From there, it is worthwhile to interrupt the move of Bbadil, because it left, a step that was not calculated with precision, in the opposite direction, and which allowed Geagea to double the price that 'He wishes. By raising the ceiling of the verbal challenge (and the abstract word Samir repeated) and rhetoric and political towards him, he gave what he asked the leader of the forces. From now until the presidential elections, each step of Basil will find the corresponding forces, which will deepen the challenges of the candidate's work program. Geagea's answer will be to follow this path until its end.

For his part, Bbadil, on behalf of Hezbollah and the March 8 team, which the movement has always insisted on neutralizing, urged Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblatt to change the disengagement system after May 2008.

Admittedly, the relationship between the two parties does not need to be explained in more detail about its deterioration since 2005. Although Jumblatt attempted, before the formation of the government, to file the package of concessions and compromises which had not borne fruit, the Qabrishmon incident rekindled the flames of the multidirectional conflict. Bbadil, after the presidency, his deputies, his ministers and his supporters, aimed this time directly Jumblatt, as part of a campaign beyond the mountain, the government and the Council of Justice, to reach the limits Jumblatt's political work, which involves reorganizing the conflict on a different basis from that of 2005, to the post-Doha agreement. It is unlikely that he is backing down at this point because this time he wants to rearrange Jumblatt at a lower price than 2008. He is aware that Jumblatt, regardless of the height of the ceilings, needs to be able to do so. a solution that regulates relations with Hezbollah and the pact. Target him directly, without any confusion, before arriving at a solution that suits everyone, but with fundamental adjustments to the reality of Jumblatt and his team. He knows that time will be rushed to reorganize the internal situation on the way to a settlement that will help resolve existing tensions. Meanwhile, the president of the movement will implement his presidential program, proceeding in successive stages and erroneous by others, and in which he has set to neutralize the Prime Minister Minister Saad Hariri at his home and respect him in front of the international public opinion. Moreover, Bbadil Hariri gives nothing more than what he is obliged to save face with the Prime Minister.

SOURCE: Lebanese newspaper Al – Akhbar

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