The statement of the US Embassy is a serious offense for the state and its constitutional and judicial institutions


Hezbollah strongly condemned the statement of the US Embbady as blatant and flagrant interference in the internal affairs of Lebanon and constituted a serious offense to the State and its constitutional and religious institutions. unacceptable interference in a local political conflict and a case before the Lebanese judiciary, capable of performing only its functions.

The party said in a statement that the purpose of this statement is to add complexity to the current crisis, which considers that the unacceptable intervention of the US Embbady in the form, the content and the timing chosen is a continuation of the ongoing US intervention in political affairs in Lebanon and in the region and an attempt to deepen the division in Lebanon's internal situation.

"To the extent that Hezbollah denounces this shameless American policy towards the Lebanese only, it sees in this statement a clear condemnation of all the contenders for freedom, sovereignty and independence whose mouth remained silent and whose pen was broken. "

SOURCE: Media relations

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