Official exams "expose" the Ministry of Education and "Galathat Shater thousand"


"Shut in". The word summarizes the views of most processions and observers of the official exams this year of educators, employees and journalists, starting from the confusion created by the project of installation of cameras, the scandal of illegal schools and from the retention of student nomination cards to the campaign, pbading through the mistake of transferring the story contest to one of the candidates. 1/30 instead of 27/30, being the bombshell with the issuance of special session notes for high school students around midnight yesterday and removed about a quarter of an hour after the discovery of & dquo; An error in the calculation of the notes, to be republished in a different version, while the nerves of the students "on the ground".

In vain, the Minister of Education and Higher Education, Akram Shohayeb, at a press conference held yesterday afternoon at the Ministry, tried to "correct" the error that accompanied the issuance of the results of the official examination of the high school certificate in its four branches and to mitigate the bitterness of what had happened, as well as the resentment of the candidates. Who discovered that they had failed after seeing their success for a few minutes.

In detail
"Technical error," "technical error," "the question of statistics" … Many of the descriptions used by Chehayb before admitting, "the error is possible and we do not escape to "responsibility," while a result, the official exams have lost some prestige and confidence of the Lebanese After the succession of "missing faucets".

The basis of the error lies in how to calculate the philosophy scores adopted in the four branches of the certificate of secondary education, which has a different rate or weighting (coefficient) across branches. The Philosophy Contest usually involves three questions, one of which is selected by a candidate, specified in a particular box, and the tags are placed in their own boxes. After the Commission found this error a few minutes after publication, the results were removed from the site, the numbering field of the questions was not calculated and the marks were republished.

"If the candidate chooses the number one question, a note has been added to the balance of principles," Chehayeb said. "The publication error forced the computer to calculate the issue number with the question mark. So, if the candidate chooses question number two, two points will be added to his credit, and if he chooses question number 3, three points will be added to his credit. "He adds:" When calculating the philosophy mark according to the branch of the certificate, the note of this article was increased and the total therefore increased 3 to 9 points depending on the choice of the question, "explaining the existence of the box that caused all this error" that the question is the subject of statistics on any question selected by the candidates, in order to follow their options in badyzing issues during the evaluation of official examinations ".

"The correction of the competitions and the insertion of the marks on the computers were carried out accurately and without error," he said. "The paper and electronic results are 100% correct and are available to anyone who wants it." He added: "Since the beginning of the official exams, we want the errors to be corrected in a transparent and precise way. The adoption of transparency in words and deeds was emphasized, stressing that "we contacted the Inspector General of Education, Faten Gomaa, to ask him to conduct the necessary investigations".

Beyond resignation
Shaheb could hardly put an end to his statement to the media, review committee members, and departmental staff: "We take full responsibility for the work of the employees." The person responsible for this error was made responsible in accepting his resignation immediately and asking for the appointment of the last place. " The successor TK of the resigned employee? The names piled up, and the different scenarios between "the successor is ready for the mountain," "Whelan priority," and "the public testimonies allow it and more veteran" … But an obsession hesitated in Behind the scenes, the department in its choice takes into account the sectarian and sectarian diversity, regardless The name of the new person who will badume the responsibility must come from the sect of the employee who has resigned.

Parents: "What's urgent?"
While Chehayeb was trying to cool the atmosphere on the 11th floor, the ministry hall was boiling with students and their parents who were unable to absorb the "blows". "We were wrong at the philosophy competition," said Nagham of Rene Moawad School. For the first time, for example, after a quarter of an hour, I was 40 years old in Arabic. Interrupted by a surprise mother: "What is the hurry to publish the results? Who ran and bet? Wayne res? God's fault ", while the father of one of the students shouted:" Eid al-Adha came to sacrifice our children !, Why does the minister not resign? Abroad, they resign for the simplest mistakes, how much freedom prevails among the students of the country! The protesters added his voice to his cry.

Although Shehayeb confirmed that paper and digital recordings would be available today and tomorrow for candidates to see and ensure transparency of work, correct grades and results in detail, but do not admit that Chehayb has committed mistake by saying, "There was an error in the publication of exam results, the error is contained and we are not letting go of responsibility" Candidates did not invite him to read the details of their results at ministry, nor the acceptance by the ministry of the resignation of the responsible person responsible for what happened: the nerves of the students and their parents who insisted to stay in the ministry have cooled without the intervention of one of the security agents and informed them that the doors of the ministry would be closed to them. Bitterly.

Third session
In addition, the Ministry of Education has scheduled August 20, 21, and 22 special session exams for middle school students who have been deprived of undergraduate education because of their enrollment in schools, including placebo conditions, commercial or non-compliant. The ministry is the first floor.

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