The deputy prime minister's exclusion from the Baabda meeting and Hasbani's comments


Deputy Prime Minister Ghbadan Hasbani said in a tweet on Twitter that "in fact, I have found no justification for excluding the Deputy Prime Minister from the Baabda meeting devoted to the study. economic and financial conditions under the chairmanship of President Michel Aoun, especially of what we and those we represent clearly represent. " Government and the supreme interest of Lebanon ".

In fact, I found no reason to exclude the Deputy Prime Minister from a meeting # Baabda Attributed to the study of economic and financial conditions under the presidency of the President of the Republic #Michel_Aoun Especially that we and those who represent clear approaches to serve the government and the best interest of # Lebanon.

– Ghbadan hasbani (@ghbadanhasas) August 9, 2019

He stressed that "it is not necessary to recall the role we have played in this area, since the development of proposals to emerge from the crisis and seek with friendly countries strengthening deposits at the Central Bank of Lebanon, which could soon be realized ".

There is no need to remind us of the role we have played in this area since our post-crisis proposals in search of friendly countries to improve deposits in a bank. # Lebanon Which could soon take shape.

– Ghbadan hasbani (@ghbadanhasas) August 9, 2019

"If some want to marginalize this first orthodox position in the executive, which is currently a key political element in the country, this marginalization would strike the institutional logic that must be devoted to it, especially at this delicate stage, which requires cooperation. and collecting all available capacities. " .

But if some want to marginalize this first orthodox position in the executive, which is currently a key political element of the country, this marginalization would strike the institutional logic that must be dedicated, especially at this delicate stage, which requires cooperation. and collecting all available capacities.

– Ghbadan hasbani (@ghbadanhasas) August 9, 2019

This afternoon, President Michel Aoun chaired a meeting attended by the Speaker of Parliament, Nabih Berri, Prime Minister Saad Hariri, Finance Minister Ali Hbadan Khalil, Presidency Affairs, Salim Jreissati, the President Economy Mansoor Batish, Chairman of the Finance and Budget Committee, Ibrahim Kanaan and Governor of the Bank of Lebanon, Riad Salameh. The president of the Association of Banks, Salim Sfeir, and the director general of the presidency of the Republic, Antoine Choucair, devoted themselves to the debate on the financial and economic conditions of the country.

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