$ 5.24 billion in losses in the second quarter


By Playfuls Team Intelligent Transportation Services (UT) has not rebadured investors about the prospects for growth or profit in the near future, after announcing a loss of $ 5.24 billion in the second quarter, the highest loss never recorded.

Most of Uber's losses were due to offsetting May's initial public offering, a traditional cost for the company during its first IPO, according to Bloomberg.

Economic badysts were worried about the disappointing growth of the company's sales. Bloomberg recorded a 12% increase in the second quarter compared to the same period last year, the lowest in the history of the San Francisco-based company, Bloomberg said. .

In the second quarter, Uber Technologies recorded a revised business figure of $ 2.87 billion, while economists were expecting the company to generate $ 3.05 billion.

Dara Khosroushahi, the company's CEO, said last week that "Uber Technologies" had a problem-softening structure, stating that the company would lay off 400 employees in the marketing business. The financial data released by Uber Technologies yesterday showed that the company had earned tax deductions of up to $ 6.1 billion, which would help reduce its tax for years to come.

The company obtained these huge deductions before the May IPO by transferring some of its international branches to other countries.

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