A threat to Germany from America


WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Chancellor Angela Merkel's refusal to increase military spending could leave the US with no alternative but to move US troops stationed in Germany to Poland, the US ambbadador said Friday. in Germany, Richard Grenell.

"It is insulting to badume that US taxpayers continue to pay more than 50,000 Americans in Germany, but Germans have the opportunity to spend their budget surplus for local programs," Grenell told German news agency Deutsche Presse. -Agentur.

Grenell's comments indicate that Trump is eager to see Merkel unable to increase military spending to 2% of GDP, as NATO wants.

Germany's financial plans predict that the defense budget of the second-largest NATO member will reach 1.37% of GDP next year before falling to 1.24% in 2023 .

Countries in Eastern Europe such as Poland and Latvia have increased their military spending for the purpose of 2% of GDP, fearing that Russia will annex the Crimea of ​​Ukraine in 2014 Trump congratulated her and called on Germany to do the same.
This news comes from: Echo Country

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