Video Okasha .. Betqal Alia was crazy and my program reached the highest view of the Arab world


Video Okasha Betkal Alia was crazy and my program got the best view of the Arab world

The media, Tawfiq Okasha, said his "Egypt Today" program reached the highest level of view in the Arab world, but the polls did not include a program.

Tawfiq Okasha, in his show "Egypt Today" broadcast on the channel "life", attacked the companies charged with conducting opinion polls in 2010, stating: "I was the most listened to, and the people said that Alia was crazy. "

The media Tawfiq Okasha, that the homeland and preservation were more important than its chain, emphasizing that the homeland can not be compensated, but that the chain can be restored and restored.

This news comes from: Echo Country

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