Jumblatt rearranged his cards from isolation, he almost became captive


Judicial responsibility is the starting point for any pending political settlement or military impeachment

Walid Jumblatt managed to reorganize his maps locally and internationally, relying mainly on the spark of horticultural crime, which allowed him to arrange the procedures for his tumultuous exit from a state of isolation that had become almost prisoner because of local developments and, above all, its regional wagering become impossible due to the developments of the war in Syria.

This mercurial arrangement allowed him to move politically into an almost open confrontation with Hezbollah in 2008, which resulted in a freeze to tie the conflict with him that had already been established on the basis of a composite arrangement under the auspices of Nabih Berri, who then neutralized the relationship with Hizbullah locally. Iran, in exchange for turning a blind eye to its hostility towards the regime in Syria.

Jumblatt, about to break the isolation or siege that he believes is imposed on him by the Convention, is based on what he has always described as a presidential target for him and his its leaders, beginning rather than by the electoral law, which caused it a clear prejudice by floating its local opponents and reducing its parliamentary bloc in the interest of the free patriotic movement. The establishment of a new political situation in the mountain devotes a different reality to the accumulated gains of man since he has badumed the role of leader.

There is no doubt that the man who managed to create a system of solidarity on both sides of the conflict was able to revitalize the March 14 forces of Khormat al-Basateen.

He used his eternal friend, Nabih Berri, to reorganize some of his internal relations, especially with Saad Hariri, following the fierce fighting that took place on the eve of the Western Shahar incident, while still He urged him to spark a reconciliation meeting with Hezbollah leaders, similar to several roles faced by President Karmi. Friend He also reactivated the lines of communication with the Lebanese forces and the Phalanges, under the auspices of the rally, in the face of what he claims to be a campaign of exclusion practiced by the Pact in front of all his opponents.

It was not too late to attract the attention of the diplomatic missions present in Beirut, especially French and American. The Pine Palace was opened to him two weeks ago to present his point of view to a group of European ambbadadors, while the American mission did not need much effort to convince him. to be targeted by Hezbollah by a high-level Syrian decision. Articles and records of investigation that would condemn his relatives.

In parallel, Halim Bou Fakhreddine was sent to Moscow (July 19) to restore broken links.

Thus, Jumblatt has completed the drawing of the local incubator, especially of the international – western and eastern – in which he finds a sanctuary against the danger that he perceives as being endemic on both sides of the Hezbollah and the Syrian regime.

He launched the attack as soon as he finished organizing this scene nationally and internationally. This was a high-level press conference aimed at the presidency of the Republic and the Free Patriotic Movement, thus restoring its anti-presidential era since Elias Sarkis (with the exception of Michel Suleiman). ). He kept his hair light with Hezbollah, perhaps related to the efforts that the President of the Council is expected to carry out in the light of Baabda's opening and reconciliation meeting.

On the other hand, the crystallized approach of the relationship with the Jumblatt political party has not been concealed since the incident in Al-Shahhar in the West. The data he had had since before the incident, in particular in the light of this information, indicated the existence of a political coup perfectly described by the use of security, political and diplomatic means, at the same time a broad campaign of encouragement to capture the attention of foreign embbadies up to Paris and Washington (meetings and documented contacts). And I went on to say that this Jumblatt, with its druze dimension not only political, is threatened with extinction, in the manner of Native Americans.

Much information about the coup led Jumblatt himself to reject any judicial attempt (the PSP targeted the court in a military court after his agreement), with the exception of an outflow policy that he sought to rule out of judicial accountability or even security treatment. The threat of a return to divisions after February 14, 2005, which is fully aware of the magnitude of its impact on Hezbollah in this acute period of regional confrontation.

But the winds of the last hours brought a solution based mainly on the judicial responsibility as starting point of any political settlement, which was confirmed by Michel Aoun. Everyone walked to the end while waiting for the results of the indictment against the military judiciary.

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