The wedding season for gay models Kara Delphin and Ashley Benson!


After the engagement in Saint-Tropez, she married the model Cara Delevigne and the model and actress Ashley Benson in Las Vegas during a very personal ceremony.

Farewell to customs. In Las Vegas, at a ceremony at Little Vegas Church, they said "yes" to British model Kara Devlin and American actress Ashley Benson. According to the English tabloid The Sun, the exact date has not been revealed – in front of carefully selected guests such as Joe Jonas and his wife Sophie Turner (also married in Las Vegas in May), Nick Jonas, Priyanka Chopra, Kevin Jonas and Charles Theron. One thing is certain: it is the only wedding of stars that did not cost very much. The wedding invoice costs 270 euros. The ceremony was held on the rhythm of two songs by Elvis Presley.

They wanted the ceremony to be simple, quiet and easy

Cara Delevingne (26) and Ashley Benson (29), both in black, "were clearly dedicated and the smile was on their faces.We can see that they were serious in their approach, but also unprecedented . " The famous church "They wanted it to be simple, quiet and easy." After the ceremony, the Cadillac models fled in pink.

Ashley Benson

Cara Delevingne,

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