The work of the "reconciliation" session and before: a settlement with the taste of Jumblatt's victory


Munir al-Rabi & # 39; in Cities wrote:

Walid Jumblatt has proven that it is difficult to digest or bite. His calculations in the confrontation were precise and well thought out. I present whenever we have to go and run away as needed, but he remains firmly convinced: the withdrawal is not possible.

The others had their problem diagnosed in their battle. They saw this as an ordinary political battle and could bend their arm, taking advantage of their strength and influence, in what they saw as an existential, unsupported battle. For a month, ten days, his opponents did not understand the meaning of his existential battle, nor its implications.

Reconciliation against disturbances
In conclusion: Jumblatt realized what he wanted and everyone came back to the first initiative presented by President Nabih Berri: reconciliation, then government meeting and judicial process followed, without calculations or interventions. Opponents of Jumblatt rejected the proposal, insisting that the Justice Council be undermined and disrupt the work of the government. A few days ago, the President of the Republic declared that he was not a sheikh of reconciliation for holding reconciliation meetings, but he agreed to hold them at the Baabda Presidential Palace.

In seeking a settlement, Walid Jumblatt said he wanted to solve the crisis, but not at his expense. He has always made concessions to the Pact since the formation of the government and during the incident of Choueifat by abandoning his personal right. But the other party stubbornly continued not to commit to ending the problem. So, Jumblatt is no longer willing to compromise.

The fall of the plane of Aoun
On the other hand, the Presidents of the Republic and the Government insisted that the Council of Ministers meet. According to monitoring sources, there was an agreement between Aoun and Hariri, without the participation of any of the parties. After that, Hariri went to Baabda and discussed the positive aspects of holding a cabinet meeting, under conditions set by the President of the Republic, and Jumblatt was completely rejected. At the cabinet meeting, Aoun reportedly declared his membership in the Justice Council and postponed his review, as well as his insistence on the military court and its context, and his rejection of any criticism of him.

The Hariri Appeal
Jumblatt rejected this path and Hariri tried to communicate with him. But he made no concessions and sent his message: I will not participate in the government sitting, and things can reach the limits of resignation and transfer the battle to another political level, the only one in the world. Hariri intimidation, the government and the continuation of the settlement.

These developments – Jumblatt's firmness in his position, as well as international signals, American and non-American – prompted political forces to seek a solution. Jumblatt was hooked to his position, which he told him to hear, and turned off his phone and left for his evening.

Berri and international atmosphere
President Nabih Berri took the lead and called on the various parties to propose a quick settlement that prevents attrition and prevents collapse, all the more so as the American message was clear and that it was clear. it was synchronized with a European atmosphere that reached the parties concerned: the situation in Lebanon can not continue. This could give rise to multiple punitive measures aimed at the Lebanese State in the long run.

If monitoring sources consider that international positions are the need to come up with a solution and put an end to the tension, other sources confirm that Walid Jumblatt 's firmness has led everyone to return to what he says. they had previously rejected and abandoned the escalation by insisting on the Justice Council or what the sources have called. Vengeance by the military court.

Race Initiatives
Jumblatt 's position in his insistence on leaving the government, if others hung up to hold the government meeting before the settlement was reached, alarmed Hariri, who wanted his initiative to succeed, not Berri. But Hariri's initiative was unacceptable to Jumblatt, as it overwhelmed the president. Hariri justified his initiative, which represents a defeat for Jumblatt, by the financial situation and the immediate danger for the country, which no longer allows the continuation of the obstruction. At that time, Hariri received a message reminding him of what he had said to Jumblatt at their first meeting in the middle house. Hariri had then declared that he would not back off, even if the delay lasted for months. Was the financial situation not dangerous at the time? During this meeting, Hariri took violent positions on the actions of the President and the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Forensic transcendence
What also disturbed Jumblatt was that Hariri had reached an agreement and a settlement with the President of the Republic and General Abbas Ibrahim, without any coordination with the Socialist. This allowed the colony to hand over its papers to Berri. Thus, Jumblatt could not allow the President of the Republic and his allies to take him wherever they wish. Especially that the initiative is based on the abandonment of personal allegations in the Qabrshmon incident, as in the incident of Choueifat before. As a result, the approach of the President, represented by the Justice Council, failed. The military court is no longer important once the case has been closed and the reconciliation has taken place.

After everyone was convinced of this initiative and the process of reconciliation, Arslan attempted to register moral compensation before proceeding to reconciliation. That's what Aoun told President Nabih Berri.

A trip through the "orchards"
Jumblatt came quietly unlike Arslan, who was a little nervous. In his composure, Jumblatt meant sending messages from the road he had borrowed. He deliberately crossed Qabrishmoun and the orchards to go to Baabda. At the beginning of the session, after the speech of the President of the Republic, who badured Jumblatt that nobody was targeting him, he insisted on rebaduring him, as well as the speech of Hariri, who insisted on the need to get out of the crisis. and to ensure compatibility as the economic, financial and life situation is intolerable, calling to overcome differences. Try to invest in politics and engage in a heated debate. Jumblatt remained calm and distributed his smiles, while President Nabih Berri took Arslan and his voice loud, believing that the subject was aimed at ensuring reconciliation and not the pursuit of commitment, and that he It was not necessary to make the voice heard in the presence of the President of the Republic. In contrast, Jumblatt has adopted his positions with his usual calm, including his political messages, in a smooth manner and in the manner of a "mbadacre with cotton". Later, it was agreed to separate the political and judicial components, and this reconciliation would involve other measures to eliminate all the circumstances and repercussions.

The absence of basil
The statement issued at the reconciliation meeting was very clear as to the completion of the reconciliation. It is true that he pointed out that the orchard incident is under the custody of the military justice and that in light of the results of the investigations, the Council of Ministers makes the appropriate decision. But according to information, this formula was agreed between the two meetings to save the face of all, not to marginalize the Council of Ministers, nor to marginalize the initiative of the Prime Minister, who essentially considered that the solution should come of the Council of Ministers.

Berri is expected to continue his efforts to organize a meeting between Jumblatt and Hezbollah during the coming period, which was notable for the fact that Bbadil had not attended the reconciliation meeting. While some considered Basile's absence as an excellent way for his opponents to hold the meeting out of his presence and withdrawal from the scene. Another point of view to be taken with caution is that Basil will use this absence in the future, if there was to be a negative development of relations between his current and the Socialist, then he will say that he He was not a partner of reconciliation, since he was not a partner in the mountain war or reconciliation in 2000. The Maarab reconciliation took place between Geagea and Aoun and is different from the reconciliation agreement signed by him.

Walid Jumblatt
Military court
Nabih Berri

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