Sama Al-Masri publishes a scandalous video and reacts by insulting his request for fasting on Arafa!


Sama Al Masri

Sama Al Masri

The controversial artist Sama Al-Masri has published a scandalous video of a sensitive area of ​​his body via his Instagram account.

Sama appeared in the video while she was walking down the street in the Netherlands and was blatantly describing the lower part of her body.

After asking the "God-fearing" and stop publishing this type of videos on the day of Arafa, Sama Masri responded to the insults: "People who say that I fear God and fast and that the day of your knowledge is your presence, you Mabtvkrc our Lord is the day he knew? "

She continued Sama al-Masri: "I speak of interference, I look and simplify every day and every day that I know and let him go."

Sama concluded his words: "The story of the fasting of Bah between me and our Lord, let you be to Yaqaroun and the preacher of Maatamsh, high your mother Htahsasb in my place ….

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