The reconciliation of Jumblatt and Arslan greets the government. What is the role of Hezbollah?


The Middle East writes:

The "Tweets" war between Progressive Socialist Party leaders Walid Jumblatt and Lebanese Democrat Talal Arslan has reinstated consideration of the initiative by parliament speaker Nabih Berri to absorb political repercussions and safe from the Qabrishmoun incident. President Michel Aoun is an entry point to end the disruption of government meetings. It was created to block the country in a political crisis open to all possibilities, including the obstruction crisis that has lasted for more than five weeks.

It is badumed that the steps outlined by the Berri Initiative will follow at a sustained pace, starting with the Reconciliation Meeting between Jumblatt and Arslan, held yesterday afternoon at Baabda Palace under the auspices of President Aoun and with the blessing of Prime Minister Saad Hariri, followed by the Council of Ministers meeting in session during a session examined. Last July by a decision of Hariri.
Asharq Al-Awsat learned from senior ministerial sources that President Aoun felt that the inability to convene the Council of Ministers as scheduled yesterday afternoon would plunge the country into a protracted political crisis and that it would not be possible for the government to do so. there was no interest for all parties in disrupting the work of the government. Therefore, it would be impossible to meet in the context that Jumblatt is dealing with the "scenario" set up for the resumption of sittings, he stated that he had to be amended and that he was not providing the guarantees required in exchange for Arslan's insistence on his position regarding the Qabrishmon incident.

Ministerial sources revealed that the President of the Republic, in light of the open contacts that were initially reserved for Berri and Hariri, was convinced to revive the initiative of the President of the Council, especially since It is difficult to organize a meeting of the government without holding it under the insistence of Jumblatt and Arslan to boycott it. The place of disagreement on the "scenario" that must be followed to prevent the government from exploding and from within.

She said that Jumblatt saw Berri's initiative as the only roadmap for achieving reconciliation and the resumption of the government session, and stressed that he supported Berri's proposal to remove civil rights (human rights) in the Qabrshmon and Choueifat incidents and confine them to the public.
Moreover, Jumblatt is not enthusiastic about the general course of the military court examining the Qabrishmoun incident in the light of his constant speech on the interventions of the ministerial team calculated at with regard to the President of the Republic, and therefore unreservedly supports Berri's suggestion that both incidents fall within the jurisdiction of the civil judicial power. Projection of Human Rights).
Jumblatt also demands that the cabinet meeting be limited to the completion of items on the agenda of the previous session, in addition to the fact that he would prefer to convene it under the chairmanship of Hariri so to rebadure him more. If they are not allowed to speak, Akram Chehayeb and Wael Abu Faour will be immediately released from the meeting and Jumblatt will have the appropriate position to surprise the political community. Arslan also insists that the defendants not be extradited, and demands that he get a clear position from the Cabinet of Ministers on the Qabrishmoun incident. This prompted the three presidents to look for a way out that would secure the session and prevent the government from being caught in a multilateral political confrontation.

Aun's belief that Berri's initiative had to be given a chance coincided with Hariri's statement, according to his sources, that it was not necessary to call the cabinet in this atmosphere and that there was no objection to give a last chance to contacts.
Asharq Al-Awsat learned that the three presidents' belief that the session was useless without a positive shock opening a hole in the wall of the crisis in order to reactivate the work of the government was at the root of the crisis. intensification of contacts in all directions from the day before, that is immediately Session.

In this context, Berri and Hariri managed to obtain from Jumblatt his agreement to proceed with the reconciliation under the auspices of Aoun after he would have preferred to be sponsored by the President of the Council, under the pretext that Aoun and his successor want revenge on him.
Although Jumblatt has announced his approval last night, Arslan, who has been in contact with Aoun and the director general of security, Abbas Ibrahim, is waiting for his final response at noon yesterday.

The question of who was behind the change of Aoun in favor of the priority of reconciliation remains a starting point to stop disrupting government sessions, as well as the positive role of Berri and Hariri, as well as the Arslan's initiative to withdraw his conditions by declaring his reconciliation agreement.
Al-Sharq Al-Awsat learned that Hezbollah helped to create a climate conducive to reconciliation and turned the page on the continued disruption of its sessions to worsen the political situation and to follow through on the initiative of the President of the Council. Here, the distinguished effort of President Nabih Berri in his communication with Hezbollah, who did not oppose his initiative, can not be ignored and, through the communication of his leaders with Aoun and Arslan, he considered it necessary to place the country before a new political phase.
Therefore, the simple relaunch of the Berri initiative was at the origin of a positive shock that would turn the country into a new stage, in a cold political climate that would open the door in search of A serene outcome to the incidents of Qabrshmoun and Choueifat, from the adoption of Berri's proposal in this area, especially since the level of engagement Aoun's relationship with Jumblatt and The leader of the Lebanese forces, Samir Geagea, must address the tensions he controls, that the head of the National Movement, Minister Gibran Bbadil, has become even more frustrated by his insistence. To approach them in a confined language A refined past.

Therefore, Geagea was present in these contacts supposed to have closed the door in the face of the continuation of the political clashes. While Hariri goes to Washington for a private visit during which he will meet US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Accelerate preparations to make the most of the decisions of the Conference to promote the country since its economic and financial crises.

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