The reconciliation of Baabda was made in Lebanon Phalanges


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A ministerial source who closely followed the political contacts behind the accelerated reconciliation and frankness meeting in Baabda revealed that the meeting, sponsored by President Michel Aoun, was characterized by unprecedented harmony between Aoun, the Speaker of Parliament, Nabih Berri and Saad Hariri. He added that their understanding was a political and security safety net that encouraged reconciliation between the leaders of the Progressive Socialist Party, Walid Jumblatt and the Lebanese MP Talal Arslan, but from the point of political difference that separated them.
The source of the minister told Asharq Al-Awsat that the statement made immediately after the reconciliation meeting, according to which the statement of the US Embbady in Beirut on the Qabrishmoon incident had pushed to overturn political pretexts and that precluded his contract, did not reflect the underlying reasons that had accelerated the first. The economic crisis that culminated in the continuing disruption of Cabinet meetings, not to mention the negative impact of the deterioration of Lebanon's credit rating, expected next week.
He stated that state personnel had felt the grave danger that it was not possible to ensure the regularity of state institutions and administrations.
The ministerial source confirmed that it had been decided to re-examine President Berri's proposal to give priority to political reconciliation, otherwise the Council of Ministers would inevitably be confronted with the explosion of the interior. . He said that the President of the Republic responded positively to this proposal, which was unreservedly supported by Hariri and a white Hezbollah and, of course, Jumblatt and the Lebanese Forces Party.
He added that the launch of Berri 's proposal began with a call to the president by Hariri, in which he told him that he would not be able to convene the government in light of the government. escalation of "war" positions and high level of tension.
Asharq Al-Awsat learned that Aoun did not oppose Hariri's transmission, but showed flexibility and openness, which encouraged him to contact Berri, who had made contact with the President of the Republic and wished him as protector of the Druze-Druze reconciliation, which he had proposed a few days later. On the Qabrishmon incident. The minister's source said that Aoun had responded positively to Berri, stressing that the decision to place reconciliation under heavy fire was mainly based on the fact that they were aware that the country was on the verge of collapse and that it was necessary to take a shock to make it pbad from a near danger stage to a new stadium. This goal can only be achieved by proposing a political approach to the Caperchamon incident.
He pointed out that Berri, who remained in contact with Hariri, began marathon negotiations with Jumblatt, which resulted in his agreement to go to Baabda to attend the reconciliation and franchise meeting. He said the president of the council had been in contact with Hezbollah leaders, which praised Aoun's response and persuaded Arslan to join him.
But Arslan took care to give his final answer at noon yesterday, because he evaluated the political results of the meeting, he also wanted badurances and guarantees.
In response to a question, the ministerial source said that it testified to President Berri's long-standing policy of naturally giving birth to the reconciliation sponsored by Aoun and Hariri's support. Economic risk, even in stages.
The minister highlighted Aoun's position at the reconciliation meeting and said that he wanted to address the issues in a delicate and precise manner, with flexibility and openness, as well as the case of Mr. Hariri, his government being the first beneficiary of the reactivation, especially since the reconciliation meeting, although the political, economic and financial meeting The precedent is supposed to establish the launch of the government without any hesitation to compensate for the damage suffered by the country due to the disruption of Cabinet meetings.
The ministerial source admitted that President Nabih Berri had played a vital role in the reconciliation meeting by ending the political confrontation between Joumblatt and Aoun, through which the Free Patriotic Movement and Arslan, opened the door to the possibility of 39; engage in unrestricted dialogue, even if From the location of the variation.
He revealed that Berri, with the support of Aoun and Hariri, had approached the points of difference and was striving to bring the points of view closer, which contributed to the absence of any form of tension. "We can not ignore the positive role of Hezbollah in communicating with Berri and maintaining his contacts with Aoun and Arslan," he said.
In his badessment of the general outcome of the meeting, he stated that Jumblatt had left Baabda with the badurance that he had dismissed the dismissal of the Qabrishmun incident to the Council of Justice or the Had submitted to a vote in the cabinet, as Arslan had insisted.
Jumblatt also recorded progress in the victory of the undecided Druze house who supported him as a political and security target, in return for Aoun 's finding of Arslan' s inclusion in the film. Druze equation as part of the dualism against the "progressive" president with a difference in size and influence, especially The campaigns to which he was subjected were not perceived by his opponents as in favor of Arslan, who rejected his request to refer the incident to the Council of Justice.
As a result, reconciliation has lifted Lebanon from the danger circle to the beginning of its rescue, provided that the political and security effects it has suffered have been preserved and that it has restored political stability, even to a minimum, in the hope that it will be stabilized by giving the government the opportunity to activate its work and increase its productivity. As a result, the ministerial source claims that reconciliation could pave the way for a consolidation of the mountain truce, specifically in the "Druze House", and that it was not a coincidence after the visit of the meeting of reconciliation in the city of Qabrishmon without being accompanied by "Hamrouja" heavily armed, Especially since he is not a fan of armed processions.

Source: Middle East

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