5 steps to maintain your privacy in Instagram


The German consumer protection portal "Mobile Zescher.D" called for the verification of five parameters of the Instagram application when creating a new account, in order to preserve confidentiality and data protection because the new accounts in the application of images are very general.
1. Who can see the account
Instagram allows your photos and videos to be "public" for everyone to see, or "private" can only be viewed by your friends on the app. Privacy), and from there, activate the option "Private Account" (Private Account).
When this option is enabled, only your friends will see what you publish in the app.
2. Activity status
By default, Instagram shows the schedules of your activities on the app and their activation date. To disable this feature, go to Settings, Privacy, Activity, and Disable Activity Status Display.
You should also be able to see when your friends are active on the app.
Comments can be a big hbadle in many social media, and you can control them in Instagram via Settings, then Privacy, then Comments. You can also block people's comments on your account, via the "Block comments from" option. Then find the name of the person you want to block.
In this menu, you can also activate filters to block offensive comments. When this option is enabled, Instagram automatically blocks offensive comments.
If you turn on the Manual Filter option, you will be able to add specific words so that the comment containing one of them is blocked.

4. Trademarks
One of the features available on Instagram is the ability to tag people on their photos.
This feature can be turned off in Settings, Privacy, Tags, and then the Add Automatically option is canceled.
If you want to cancel the tags you specified before disabling this feature, you can do this by hiding the photos or videos you have referred to in (Hide photos and videos from you).
5. Contacts
When Instagram requests access to contacts stored on your smartphone, it not only reads them to connect to your friends and acquaintances, but also uses this social network for advertising purposes.
You can disable this feature in Settings, then Account, Synchronize Contacts, and cancel the sync option.

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