Labor law can not be suspended


The Minister of Labor, Kamil Abu Suleiman, said in a statement that "the examination of the issue of work permits for Palestinian refugees at the cabinet meeting held on Saturday 10/8/2019 surprises by its form and its content ".

He added: "Regarding the form, as soon as ministers are informed Friday night of the 8/8/2019 of the Council of Ministers on Saturday morning, and after that it has been confirmed that the order of the day of the session did not include the discussion of the Ministry of Labor plan to organize the non-Lebanese labor, I contacted the Prime Minister's office to ask him if I have been informed that the Ministry of Labor's plan to regulate non-Lebanese labor will not be discussed at the Saturday session. Moreover, this issue should not be discussed in any way. also accurate in the absence of the competent minister, even if it had been presented by one of the ministers out of the table. "

"As for content, has been discussed to the extent that I know the topics" stop the actions of the Minister of Labor "and" put the hands of the Cabinet on the record ", knowing that it n & # 39; There is no constitutional or legal pillar to make such a decision, if it can not. "By decision of the Council of Ministers to suspend the application of a law or to prevent a minister to exercise his constitutional powers to enforce the laws of his department. "

"I am always open and even insistent on discussing the Ministry of Labor's plan and its implications for Palestinian refugees in the Council of Ministers, taking into account the specificity of their status as enunciated in the law, noting that the plan had been submitted to the secretariat of the Council of Ministers on 18/03/2019. "

He thanked the "ministers opposed to making decisions concerning the Ministry of Labor in the absence of the competent minister".

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