A delegation from the Prisoners' Association conveyed Mr. Nasrallah's congratulations to Yahya Skaf's family – Al Manar television website – Lebanon


A delegation of the Lebanese Association for Prisoners and Writers, led by the president of the badociation, Ahmed Taleb, visited the family of the senior prisoner in Israeli jails, Yehia Skaff, in the Hanin-Minieh city.

Jamal Skaff welcomed the delegation to the family home of prisoner Skaff, who "was and will remain the guardian of the resistance forces", and congratulated "on the occasion of Eid the resistance in Lebanon and the secretary Hezbollah general, Sayyed Hbadan Nasrallah, "stressing that" the maintenance of resistance is a legitimate and national right "Because they defend the pride and dignity of the entire nation in the face of Zionist enemy and to those backed by forces of global arrogance, they pointed out on the occasion of the 13th anniversary of the victory of the resistance on the enemy that "the choice of resistance, of the Army and people constitute the shield of the whole nation ".

In turn, Talib conveyed the greetings and congratulations of Hezbollah leaders and Aid al-Adha's General Secretary to the Scaf family, who "responded to the call for the defense of Palestine and its people, and was one of the first believers in the possibility of resistance against the enemy, "pointing out that" the cause of the fighter Yahya Skaf will remain present "The resistance, no matter how long, until its release from prison. "

The delegation of the Prisoner's Association also visited the Skaff prisoner's memorial at the entrance to the city of Minya.

SOURCE: National Agency of Information

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