The occurrence of a strange phenomenon in the skies of the Arab world
Majed Abu Zahra, chairman of the Jeddah Astronomical Society, said the meteors are reaching their peak this year in the skies of the Arab region, at midnight Monday and before sunrise Tuesday, parallel to the second day of Eid al-Adha.
Abu Zahra added that meteors are one of the best annual meteor rains. On average, they produce up to 60 meteors per hour. It is famous for producing several bright meteors, but the actual number to be seen this year is not known. Meteors are famous for their unpredictability.
The last showers of tonight in 2018
He said that the visible light produced by the meteors takes on different colors depending on the chemical composition of the meteor and the speed of movement in the atmosphere, orange-yellow referring to (sodium), yellow (iron), blue (green) and (purple) (red) and red (nitrogen and atmospheric oxygen).
He explained that the pests are active from August 17 to 24 and that this year the moon will be in the growth phase of the hump days before being in the full moon, which means that it will cause the blur most weak meteors this year, but in general, the parasites are very bright meteors. The number being important, the offer will probably remain good.
This news comes from Vito
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