It is not allowed to enter the world for any merit whatsoever


Sheikh Ahmad Al-Qattan, president of the badociation "Say and Work", said: "The state must stand up to the vision and aspirations of the Lebanese people, as the citizen asks the government to do so. State and the government to support and cope with the economic and financial crisis.We obviously respect the rights of the Palestinian brothers and live in dignity in Lebanon, but we live mainly with the Lebanese living with dignity in a city and on their land " .

During his meeting with the congratulations of the Bekaa region, including MP Salim Aoun, Al-Qattan denounced the "criminal operations carried out by the Israeli enemy in occupied Palestine, this enemy not making the difference between the Human being". "It is by attracting all the Muslims of the world and attracting all the sheriffs and free people of the world who must defend the demands of the Palestinian people and the rights of this people".

He stressed the need to "support the resistance movements, especially in Palestine and Lebanon, because they protect our pride and our dignity.The enemy understands only the language of power and we therefore need resistance to maintain our existence and free our sanctuaries. "


In turn, MP Aoun commented on the Franchising and Reconciliation meeting in Baabda: "We hope that this new breakthrough will bring prosperity and economic treatment, as well as anything that can contribute to the fast economic cycle, although many questions remain. pending and we expect answers. "

He added: "There are parties that are still begging abroad and finding their strength from abroad, in return for parties wanting to put the country, then the clean power that has avoided the country. 39, collapse of the country. And we say to the other party: No one can be accused of outside interference, which means that any internal merit wants to penetrate the whole world.

SOURCE: National Agency of Information

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