What some people feel in the name of freedom is a fallacious argument for ideas that deprive man of the image of God in him.


Metropolitan Beirut and his followers addressed to the Greek Orthodox Archbishop Elias Odeh a sermon entitled "The Grace of Freedom" in which he declared: "All moral teaching in Christianity aims to lead man to the true freedom of the Lord Jesus Christ: "You know that truth and truth free you" (John 8:32), so the gospel calls us, as well as the Church, to "the freedom of the glory of children of God "(Romans 8:21), which is realized when we keep the Lord's commandments, listen to His Word, and illuminate the teachings of His saints, the freedom of the human being and the families of sin for themselves in illusions and fantasies San. "Everything is permitted for me, but not all, everything is for me, but nothing is for me" (1 Co 6, 12) In these terms, the Apostle Paul explained the limits of human freedom on the moral plane. God does not allow any thought, practice or mentality to restrict or deprive him of the freedom that he grants him. .

He added, "Man is created in the image and likeness of God, that is, in the form of his freedom." He is in his free and master mental form. He is called to preserve this unique grace that distinguishes him from other creatures, and he is called to grow in freedom, sovereignty, wisdom, and knowledge. " To achieve the perfection of the freedom that has been given to him in his spiritual development, in the development of his creative talents, giving, sacrificing and sacrificing, freedom in Christianity is achieved by opening up the man to the grace of the Holy Spirit: the ability of each of us to break the chains of sin and to suppress everything that could be. To hurt him or enter the darkness, is the starting point of man to fill the living, In repentance and Jihad, purification and love. Is psychological and spiritual immunity against all sin and evil, which has acquired the believer Pettmrsh to confess his sins honestly and Altjaih continues to divine help. Human progress of the freedom of good education and courageous training obedience to God and draw out the strength of it ".

"Humans give different definitions of freedom according to their goals and aspirations, and they see it as a human moral value devoid of any religious dimension.This freedom is in fact, despite the invocation of religion and belief. the gospel in certain environments, which eschews any real possibility of liberating the man from within. " He remains attached to his fake masks and does not face his truth, but is distracted by slogans, uniforms and current affairs. His truth invokes falsehood. He deprives man of the most precious thing in his life, of the image of God in him and of the possibility of growth and realization of the "fullness of Christ" ( Ep 4.13). Meaning of life and even existence. "

He said: "It is our duty to protect our children from harm, as well as those who try to insult them with their earthly and foreign thoughts on the Gospel and the commandments of the Lord Jesus." The Good Shepherd He gives himself for the sheep "(Jn 10,11), especially if" the wolf is seen coming. "That is why the Church bravely confronts all that could harm the freedom of his children: art, thought, customs or deviations Freedom is an image of the perfection and love of God, God, by the fullness of his freedom, creates the universe of nowhere, creates man, spread His grace and immisce in the history of salvation The Lord, for the greatness of His majesty of love and absolute freedom, incarnated for us and for our salvation, "and willingly for us the Cross ", and opened to all humanity the path of" truth and life "because it was and remains" the way, the truth and the v ie "(John 14: 6) Our obedience to God and the law of Christ is the only guarantee of human freedom, the prosperity of his life" in spirit and in truth "(John 4:23) and the joy of salvation of God. Only obedience to God guarantees the freedom of humanity against evil and darkness.

Odeh concluded: "Therefore, the Apostle Paul is proud to call more than one message" the servant of Jesus Christ "(Romans 1: 1). This name is a complete reflection of the love of God in his glorious saints, who, with their total openness to living grace and liberated truth, have become the chosen vessels of the Holy Trinity. This selection of ships. "

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