Will the reconciliation between socialist and democrat last?


Paula Assitah writes in Asharq Al-Awsat, titled "Fragile reconciliations are the driving force of the political game in Lebanon": "Lebanon's recent history is full of reconciliations between political forces, many of which have not lasted for being based on unstable foundations and for the immediate benefit of the parties. " And the leaders. Since 2005, Lebanon has witnessed numerous political agreements and reconciliations, some of which qualify as "historical". Many events, some of which have a bloody nature, result in compromises that open the way for conflicting political forces to sit at the same table with the premise that the country's higher interests require convergence.

Sources close to Hezbollah's position confirm that the recent reconciliation at Baabda did not take place at the expense of the March 8 forces, but to the detriment of Jumblatt, who sought to end the judicial process. "He was trying to revive the March 14 alignment with US support to besiege the Aoun period, and he failed," said Dr. Mona Fayyad, a professor of psychology at the Lebanese University of Beirut. Hezbollah and its allies are imposing their will and agenda on all compromises, but what has happened recently is that Jumblatt has resisted the pressure. Washington stepped in to support, creating a kind of balance that had disappeared in the last period. "

Fayyad, in a statement to "Asharq Al-Awsat," said that the country had two options: either to collapse or to walk on a new settlement that saves the face of Jumblatt's opponents, but it is undoubtedly the same other regulations that consolidated their victory and the abdication of the elements of "March 14". ".
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