Iraqi health: 1 dead and 29 wounded in Baghdad blast


Books: Our country today

BAGHDAD (Reuters) – A person was killed and 29 wounded by mortar bullets in residential areas following the fire of a weapons and military equipment store south of Baghdad. Monday, announced the Ministry of Health.

"Seven wounded have arrived at the Yarmouk hospital and six others have reached the Mahmudiya hospital," said Health Ministry spokesman Saif al-Bader. He explained that "all minor injuries are ongoing and some have left the hospital in a state of improvement".

A security source reported Monday the fall of a number of mortar shells in the Dora region south of Baghdad.

The operations command in Baghdad announced on Monday that the explosions that took place south of the capital were burning stacks of equipment in a camp belonging to the "Popular Mobilization".

The Directorate of Civil Defense in Baghdad announced that direct operations had taken place in the weapons warehouse, which had caught fire in the "Falcon" camp south of the capital.

The management wrote on its Facebook page: "Our teams are desperately trying to control the fire that has declared inside an arms depot located at Camp Falcon, in the Dora region south of Baghdad, despite the many explosions caused by the fire. "

Earlier in the day, a report to Russia that the explosions allegedly occurred in the "Falcon" camp of the Iraqi Federal Police, including the headquarters of the 4 brigades of Popular Mobilization, belonging to the "Badr" forces and "Jund al-Imam" and "Sayed Martyrs Brigades" ".

He added that the explosions had hit two large warehouses with an area of ​​about 1,000 meters and caused considerable material damage after the fire caused by the 14th Brigade incident in the "crowd" which resulted in the missile fall on the neighborhoods of Saydiyah, Bayaa and Albuaitha in Baghdad.

According to preliminary information, the explosions are due to negligence, poor storage of ammunition and equipment and lack of electrical insulation. Investigations continue to determine the circumstances of the incident.

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