Bill Cosby's lawyers demand that his conviction be violated for raping six women




3 hours on August 13, 2019
– Last updated on
August 13, 2019 / 16:02

The lawyers of former TV actor Bill Cosby, sentenced in 2018 to at least three years of imprisonment, have asked the Pennsylvania judges to quash his conviction.

Bill Cosby, 82, a famous television star reflecting the image of the ideal father, was sentenced in April 2018 by a Pennsylvania court for drugging Andrea Kunstand 15 years ago.

This trial marked a turning point in the # Me2 movement to combat harbadment and badual abuse.

The actor, who took part in the civil rights movement of black Americans, was sentenced at the end of a second trial in which five unconfirmed women confirmed that the star of the television he had badually badaulted her.

The first trial ended in annulment because the jury was unable to reach a unanimous decision.

The plaintiffs' lawyers appealed on Monday to a panel of three appeals judges meeting in Harrisburg, US media reported.

The lawyers pointed out that the judge should not have allowed the testimony of the five women on the grounds that their experience was not very similar to that of CONSTAND, according to the newspaper "Philadelphia Inquirer".

The lawyers pointed out that a Montgomery attorney decided in 2005 not to prosecute Bill Cosby for lack of evidence and that his successor should not have to resume his prosecution.

But the judges have repeatedly opposed the arguments of the lawyer of the actor, according to media reports.

There was no decision on Monday and the judges did not specify when their decision would be made.

Bill Cosby's conviction was considered a victory for the # Me2 movement, although the charge dates from 2015, two years before the start of the movement, which was launched after the disclosure of information on badual abuse and abuse commissioned by film producer Harvey Weinstein.

In New York, he was charged with badual badault and rape against two women. His trial in Manhattan will begin on September 9th.

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