Arslan's allies have embarrassed him


One of the ministers who accompanied the contacts that led to the reconciliation and frankness meeting sponsored by President Michel Aoun last week, through the newspaper "Asharq Al-Awsat", according to which "a set of political and economic data pushed to remove the excuses that prevented the convocation The meeting stressed that "the participants re-examined the proposal of the Speaker of Parliament, Nabih Berri, who proceeds from the realization of the reconciliation as a mandatory corridor to end the disruption of Cabinet meetings ".

The minister pointed out that "the strong economic crisis is now approaching the red lines and threatens to involve the country in an economic collapse if the government does not initiate it quickly", adding that "the economic and financial meeting presided over by the President of the Republic took place parallel to the completion of the reconciliation It is a coincidence, but the opposite of the economic reality that no longer carries political turmoil ".

He stressed that "the team that was planning to encircle and besiege Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblatt by insisting on sending the Qabrishmun incident back to the Justice Council had begun his audit and was to withdraw the sanctions he was threatening in exchange for the latter's approval. "Aoun will sponsor the reconciliation meeting after asking Berri to sponsor him."

He stressed that "President Aoun finally decided to adopt Berri's proposal, although he was the first to oppose it, and that the leadership of Hezbollah decided to flexibly treat not the proposal of the President of the Council, who supported him blank, but to end his request to return the Qabrishmun incident to the Council of Justice. " He explained that "Jumblatt's support team remained unshakable and that Berri and Prime Minister Saad Hariri had explicitly stated that there was no way to refer the incident to the Council. of justice and that there was no meeting of the government if some insisted on it ".

He added that "their determination, in addition to the support position of the" Lebanese Forces "and" Phalanges ", was a lever in return for the presence of votes in the" powerful Lebanese bloc "led by the deputy Gebran Bbadil Scheme sometimes aiming to murder abroad and sometimes to badbadinate Basil.

The minister stopped before the deputy Shamil Roukoz denies the existence of an ambush or a murder project of a minister and revealed that "the friends of the President of the Republic, most of them being deputies, were the first to advise that the repercussions of the incident in the mountains be controlled and absorbed ".

The minister asked: "What did Arslan win with his political battle against Jumblatt?" He has so far pulled himself out of the picture in the big picture of reconciliation in Baabda, with a promise to be considered in administrative appointments, although some are likely to be deported. " Arslan's allies, namely the Free Patriotic Movement and the ministerial team affiliated to the President of the Republic, succeeded in setting it up as a peer of Jumblatt, with a difference in the ratio of forces tending to favor the latter. "

He added: "Arslan has withdrawn from circulation and, immediately after his participation in the reconciliation of Baabda, the conditions required for the presence of Minister Saleh al-Gharib at the meetings of the Council of Ministers, including the dismissal of the incident to the Justice Council, its vote in the Council of Ministers and preparations for the badbadination from abroad.He announced the existence of a conspiracy. Basil's badbadination, after accusing the progressive party of preparing for the badbadination of al-Ghraib, which embarrbaded Arslan's allies.Two reports on the preparation of the Al-Ghraib badbadination were embarrbaded before being withdrawn.

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