Reconciliation between "socialist" and "Hezbollah" sponsored by Berri!


Al-Gomhuria newspaper announced that President Nabih Berri will act very soon as part of his initiative to reconcile Hezbollah and Progressive Socialist Progressive Party (PPS), through the party's secretary general Hbadan Nasrallah. , and the president of the Socialist Party, Walid Jumblatt.

"Hezbollah" to the "Republic" said: "The question of reconciliation with the Socialist Party under the custody of President Berri".

The sources revealed that "Berri is working to organize a reconciliation meeting between the two parties to bring the situation back to normal".

When sources say that "the expected meeting between the two parties will be a failure like the previous one", the sources confirm: "The first meeting was not a failure, but a beginning, and everyone put their concerns on the table. and the meeting prepared by President Berri is the basis on which to return to normal. "

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