Does Wael Kfoury bring a new lawsuit against Angela Bishara? Ashraf Moussawi is given


Information received from the website "Art" from a private source, indicating that the artist Wael Kfoury is filing a new complaint against his ex-wife Angela Bishara for defamation and defamation, after a series of publications made on social networking sites, and for fear of In order to broaden the horizons of his statements, he decided to surround it with the law and oblige him to sign a written pledge Preventing him from speaking and appearing in public.

The Al-Fan website has contacted Mr. Kfoury's lawyer, Angela Bishara, Mr. Ashraf Al-Moussawi, to give us his opinion on the information we have received. I consider that there is a dilution of the negotiation process and an elimination of the financial obligations imposed on it. This affects his credibility and paternal commitment. "

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