Basil's policy is to thwart the troops in the Christian street


"The reconciliation in the mountains is historic and the Lebanese forces have warned not to hurt him, as it was an entryway to a major reconciliation at the national level from 2005 to today. hui, "said MP George Akis in a television interview.

He stressed "the need not to introduce the language of the Lebanese war and the return of the barricades only to gain political points for the future or to pbad political messages to opponents by a certain party", adding: The present day uses a bridge for his battle, emphasizing that "Bbadil's policy was based on three axes in order to grant him the right to run for president, his alliance with Hezbollah.

He stressed that it was not in Bbadil's interest to focus on the upcoming presidency, but that it was better to win a financial and economic victory.

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