Lebanon and the army fly to the summit of Mount Ararat


Nidal Solh, medalist, achieved his third feat by hoisting the flag of the Lebanese and Lebanese army at the summit of Mount Ararat, in the Caucasus mountains, at 5 165 meters altitude.

"This achievement is part of a project to hoist the flag of the Lebanese army to the top of the world, in a clear message to the interior of the country stating that this institution, which has provided many martyrs and wounded to protect Lebanon, "said Solh during a meeting at the Baalbeck Media Forum. The Lebanese are an Israeli enemy and face the threat of takfiri terrorism that struck Lebanon many years ago.

Solh explained the stages of the climb saying: "The beginning was to go to the base of the first camp at an altitude of 3,200 meters, we stayed two days to acclimatize, then we went to the second camp at an altitude of 4,200 meters and, towards two hours past midnight, we headed for the summit of Mount Ararat, where we arrived. "I proudly waved the flags of Lebanon and the army Lebanese army at the top. "This achievement was dedicated to" the Lebanese army and all Lebanese, on the occasion of the Army Day and the second anniversary of Operation Dawn of the Grbad ".

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