Dr. Fadi Alkhair reveals the details of the angry day in Tripoli




Dr. Fadi Alkhair reveals the details of the day of wrath in Triple

Dr. Fadi Al-Khair revealed the details of what happened in the 24 hours following the decision of the Minister of the Environment, Fadi Jreissati, to work again in the waste dump. Triple.

Al Khair said: "We have moved a group of activists and people dead since the announcement of the Ministry of the Environment to create a landfill in Treble because of the threat to the inhabitants of the region . "

He added: "After the explosion of anger, it was decided to freeze the work in the landfill, but the mechanisms came back to the landfill and accompanied by great security to facilitate the pbadage of trucks to garbage from Zgharta and other regions, thinking that they could break the will of the people of Minya and the surrounding villages of Trebol ".

"We started to move on the ground after being convinced of our unilateralism and the major political decision to impose the discharge and the political party stuck in the first freeze, especially with the Minister's statement of the 39, Interior, who called security forces to protect the roads leading to the landfill. "

Al-Khair added, "The people of Minya went out and tried to enter the garbage trucks by themselves, before everyone realized that the movement of the population was starting to grow and that the decision was now in Some politicians then began to change their position and join the revolution of the sons of Minya. "

He concluded by saying: "We thank all those who contributed to the failure of this project among the people of Minya and other surrounding areas and emphasize that the decision of Minya is in the hands of its inhabitants who forced the politicians to follow them. "

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