The Trabel landfill inflames the north. Cutting roads and clashes with security forces Environment and municipalities


The waste crisis in the north of the country continues to weigh heavily on the villages surrounding Mount Treble, where the triple dump has been relaunched, which has angered the inhabitants of the surrounding villages: Mariata, Ezki, Kfarshalan, Alma and Minieh, after the expiration of the month, to throw the waste in a landfill. Enemy, with trucks loaded with trash going to my mother's first night, to the new dump.

Since yesterday morning, people and civil society organizations have called to gather on the Minieh-Denniyeh highway to express their rejection and condemnation of injustice and mockery of their health and that of their children.

Minieh's population and a group of people with special needs cut international roads in Minya to protest the development of Triple's landfill, security forces have brought in reinforcements to try to open them, but have failed. They clashed with protesters and security forces negotiated to try to open the road. The protesters demanded a clear and explicit response from Prime Minister Saad Hariri about the discharge. The riot police then decided to restrict the sit-in. At 5:30 pm MP Othman Alamuddin called the protesters to move their sit-in to the site of the dump, asking "to open the road". Pretend with them to make the landfill a triple dump for their garbage, but not for all districts.

The army and security forces have reopened the main road linking Dinniyeh to Tripoli, in the towns of Kfarshalan, Bayad and Azqi, after protesters prevented it from setting up a dump in Trebel, flambé tires, stones and dust.

A number of residents of the city of Alma, in Zgharta district, gathered on the main road at the city's intersection to protest the reopening of the Treble dump, but they also attacked trucks carrying waste to the dump and took the road to Alma-Treble.

The closing of the road by protesters in more than one place resulted in congestion on the secondary roads after the drivers went to their workplaces and homes.

Post a movement of interceptor

On the other hand, the movement of opposition to the record of waste in the North has postponed the move, which was expected yesterday (yesterday) facing the negligence of the state in solving the problem of waste in the four northern districts, calling for "to continue the efforts of the state and local authorities to eliminate waste and dispel legitimate fears and concerns". "Opponents have come up with a lasting and healthy solution to this crisis."

In a statement, she said that "things have changed now and that it was necessary to thank Prime Minister Saad Hariri for his direct attention as well as the competent ministers and deputies who accompanied the solutions with the command of the army, the internal security forces and other security forces for accompanying the temporary solution and the proposal asking the state to implement all international environmental standards. And health for the protection of groundwater and the health of our population in the region. "

The movement claimed that "no one from here or from here should be allowed to sow discord among the people", calling everyone to support the state with its military and civilian institutions and to allow it time to install and develop sorting facilities at source to fully treat waste.

Prefect Nahra

The governor of the north, Judge Ramzi Nahra, stressed that the waste we are pbading through is enormous, especially in the Minieh Denniyeh Zgharta and Koura regions, while Bcharri hopes to promise a solution, "emphasizing that" the objections we are witnesses at the Treble landfill site are without justification ".

"Because of this crisis, we are forced to resort to Triple's discharge, which has been opened, and we are witnessing certain objections in various ways, including via social networking sites after the attack on women in Triple, which accelerated Tripoli and neighborhood.

He continued: "The Interior Minister decided three days ago to visit Triple's landfill and we informed the case of the internal security forces. As a department and municipalities, we continue to implement the decision. In the expectation of any political or governmental development, we finally apply the political decision making. The government and the decisions of the Ministry of the Interior to the decisions of the relevant ministries, and up to now, this discharge is the least damaging and practical because it is far from the people, it will create a stamp and we will follow the discharge method to prevent the spread of odors. There is no need for any objections we see today, it is not justified. & # 39;

He concluded: "We hope to continue working in this landfill to avoid the problem of waste, which weighs heavily on us and the inhabitants of the affected areas, especially after the spread of certain diseases. We are interested in the construction of sorting and sensitization sorting laboratories, but our priority today is to recover waste "Roads are routed to a temporary garbage dump until we get to the site. they work in a practical and scientific way to solve this problem in a radical way. "

In front of the seraglio

A number of activists staged a sit-in in front of the Tripay Saray to protest against the layout of a dump in Treble. This meeting coincided with a meeting at the Independence Hall in Saray Tripoli, chaired by Judge Ramzi Nahra, Northern Governor, to explain the waste management plan established in the north by the Ministry of Environment. .

Protesters announced their refusal to open a new landfill in Trebol because of its negative effects on groundwater and public health.

Conditional attitudes

In this context, a number of posts have been published condemning the reopening of Triple's landfill.

The Minister of Public Works and Transportation, Youssef Venianos, tweeted on his Twitter account, stating, "The task of leaders and leaders is to work for the good of the people and not to fulfill their wishes. No objection to this and the resulting interest may be wasted in spoiling four districts between people and their homes. The security forces of the army and the internal security forces are grateful except to provide support when implementing the decision of the ministers of environment and the interior. "He needed clarification, thank you."

The former minister, General Ashraf Rifi, said on his Twitter account: "A peaceful uprising in Minya and the rest of the north facing corruption and failure in al-Fawwar and Tarbel, which led to their cancellation. The Lebanese must win to build the State. If the people want, no one will hinder them. This is the lesson of the abolition of the landfill and we are waiting for more. "

MP Jean Obeid said in a statement: "MP Obeid is not satisfied with the creation of a landfill that would contaminate the groundwater of Trebil and will not allow them to activities of the region and its inhabitants. Make the decision to close the crossing in front of garbage trucks, because it does not have to be a flag that hurts people and threatens their safety. "

According to the bureau, "the Obeid MP strongly condemned the attack of one of the women who protested against the discharge by a member of the internal security forces," stressing that "the security forces must protect protesters and not garbage trucks and secure their pbadage ".

For his part, the deputy Ali Darwish said that "what happens is the result of the non-treatment of waste in Lebanon in an objective and scientific way, reiterating the demand for clear studies on the environmental impact so to build on the need, "stressing that" in accordance with the law, no discharge can be opened only with the consent of the people "He called for" calm and expectation of what will be revealed studies to judge in the matter.

• A member of the Phalange party, Elias Hankash, responded to Twitter through his Twitter account, Fadi Jreissati, Minister of the Environment: "Your Excellency, you stated that you would not create a site burial in the chain is, because the inhabitants of the region do not want landfill site. Who told you that the inhabitants of Metn had accepted the landfill of Bourj Hammoud and Jdeideh or increased the number of landfills? Or do not you ask their opinion? The people of Metn surrounded them not low.

Future Movement General Secretary Ahmed Hariri said: "We have never been with our people all over Lebanon, especially in the north. Today, we say verbally that we will not accept that Mount Treble becomes a malicious discharge, to the detriment of our population, old and young. Therefore, we affirm that the issue of Mount Treble is an environmental health issue, with a distinction that we will not allow to politicize, mitigate or attempt to exploit to increase the populism of some people in their regions at the expense of Population.

He concluded: "The inhabitants of Al-Minya know their reefs and their mountains, and nothing exceeds their just word that refuses the establishment of the dump, and their word our word, and we and them a word and a single cry to all concerned: do not install the dump, neither today nor any day.

{As published by the office of former MP Kazem Kheir, a statement said: "What happens to the fact of using force with the population of areas adjacent to the peaceful protesters of Mount Treble is not more acceptable or doomed. We warned for years of suspicious projects that paint for our region. We underline the rejection of the implementation of these projects by force and call on the government to put an end to implementation and engage in a constructive dialogue with the actors in the region in order to find solutions that take into account the current situation. environment and health in environmental impact badessment studies conducted with specialists in this field ".

{The president of the Dinniyah Federation of Municipalities, Mohamed Saadia, called for "raising the hand on the waste issue and giving municipalities the money needed for waste treatment to find a solution", revealing that "the Union was able to secure a factory through the signing of a contract with the Ministry of Administrative Development and the European Union, but the money" If the firm does not s & # 39; Is not meeting for an issue that threatens half of the population, when will he meet? ", Is he asked about" the closing of an enemy dump ". Without warning, considering that it was more effective Find the alternative before taking this step.

As for the municipality of Alma-Zgharta, she said in a statement: "After opening the landfill in Trebol, after all the cities closed their roads with the pbadage of trucks loaded with waste to the landfill, we have been surprised by the pbadage of most trucks in our city. Due to the dangerous geographical presence of the groundwater discharge and its contamination, and the fact that the old and narrow roads of the city are not absorbed by the pbadage of this type of truck in terms of size and quantity , the city of Olama with its mukhtars, its municipality and its inhabitants, organized this morning a sit-in at the entrance of the city. Take the City investment into account, which may result in health and environmental damage and a threat to public safety.

Flaming tires have a role to play

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