International junior golf course in Shelbaya, male champion and female champion of Mert Journal El Benaa


The Lebanese Golf Club closed the 2019 edition of the International Junior Tennis Federation (ITF) for groups under 18 years old, staged in its stadiums in the Jinnah region. Retired Brigadier General Hbadan Rostom and Karim Selim Golf Club President.

After the national anthem and the presentation of the journalist Hbadan Mohieddin, Oweidat delivered a speech in which he praised the activities of the golf club and saluted his sponsors, hoping that these courses will be maintained, sponsoring talents and honoring champions.

In his speech, Salam expressed his joy for the success of the tournament and his appreciation of the organizing efforts of a professional team under the supervision of tournament director Aref Mardini, congratulating the players and players, especially outside Lebanon, in the hope of meeting them next year.

Mardini then announced the list of winners and winners of the tournament which was as follows:

Men's Singles: Abdullah Shelbaya of Jordan defeated Casper Christensen of Norway 6-4 6-2

– Women's Singles: Turkey's Isigul Mert defeated Russian Arena Valtitova 7 5 6 2

– Abdullah Masculine: Jordanian Abdullah Shelbaya and Egyptian Ali Shqair beat Norwegian Casper Christensen and German Maximilian Homburg 6 2 7 5

Two doubles: Turkish Isisgol Mert and Tina Zebteh defeated Russian Arena Valtitova and Sofia for Pedeva 6 4 6 2


The international junior golf course in Shelbaya, men's champion and Mert women's champion, concludes
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The Lebanese Golf Club has concluded the 2019 edition of the International Junior Tennis Federation ITF for under-18s, held in its stadiums in the Jinnah region.
The Lebanese Golf Club has concluded the 2019 edition of the International Junior Tennis Federation ITF for under-18s, held in its stadiums in the Jinnah region.
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