Kuwait Finance House Bahrain organizes a specialized training program in the field of blockchain technology


KFH-Bahrain has organized a blockchain training program in cooperation with Bahrain Financial Technology Gulf and the Stilmint Blockchain Academy, as part of the Bank's ongoing strategy to proactively address the latest developments in digitization in the sector. The bank through the continuous development of human resources.

A number of members of the management team as well as staff from various departments of the Bank attended the training program, which took place from July 9 to 11 at the Four Seasons Hotel Bahrain Bay . The program was introduced by Mathew Van Niekerk, founder and CEO of Stellmant, who has global experience in the financial services industry and blockchain technology.

The program included theoretical and practical sessions, where the theoretical sessions covered a variety of topics, including the history of the chain of accounts "Blockchain and its impact on different sectors, retail and book, and the distinction between account accounting technology "and traditional methods of data archiving, account linking, intelligent contracts and commercial use. , With examples on how to link accounts to different business models and use them in the banking sector.

Practical sessions of the program included practical topics, in which participants were divided into groups, each group presenting ideas and developing a number of innovative use cases to apply blockchain technology. in the Islamic banking sector. At the end of the program, each group presented use cases. This was innovated and discussed in terms of feasibility and the actual needs of the applications.

Abdul Hakeem Al Khayat, General Manager and CEO of Kuwait Finance House Bahrain, said: "Financial technology defines the direction of the global financial and banking sector. We strive to stay in step with all technological developments and to integrate the latest innovative financial technologies into our business models within the banking sector. Blockchain Technology "The Blockchain is one of these major business developments and we want to be proactive in this area to continue to improve our products and services and to digitize our operations for the benefit of our primary purpose. , which is to provide better services to our customers.

Sarah Zain Al Abidin, Human Resources Manager, KFH-Bahrain, said, "We are delighted to partner with Bahrain Financial Technology Gulf and Stile Block Academy to organize this training program, specifically designed to help our senior management team. company to follow the blockchain chain. And incorporate the latest cutting-edge technologies into various KFH business areas. Program participants have developed a number of innovative use case ideas that we intend to turn into true viable business solutions, through the technical path that is in the advanced stages of this program for the coming period.

Khalid Saad, Managing Director of Gulf Financial Technology, said: "Blockchain technology has revolutionized our business management around the world and we are excited to be working with our KFH banking partners to implement this program through our partnership. educative. With the Stalment Academy for Blockchain. The program was designed to help the Bank's innovation pioneers harness the power of the blockchain chain today or in the future, as technology continues to grow and transform. the way business unfolds.


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