Kataebi answered Jreissati. "Who do you read from Psalms, David?"


After the press conference of the Minister of the Environment, Fadi Jreissati, former Minister Alan Hakim said that "all the permits and all the confusion in the waste file prove that if the Palestinian Authority implemented the proposals and solutions presented by the Phalange party since 2015, the waste file would not have reached this stage ".

"But who should you read your Psalms, David? … Unfortunately, nothing stands in the way of special interests!"

Hakim closed his tweet, Bhashtag, a "waste land".

All permits and confusion in the record prove that if the Authority implements the proposals and the solutions that it has submitted # Phalange Party Since 2015, the waste file has not reached this limit. But "to whom do you read your Psalms, David" … Unfortunately, nothing stands before particular interests! # Waste_ country pic.twitter.com/2rrdpzZDVL

– Alain Hakim (@AlainHakim) August 14, 2019

On Wednesday, Environment Minister Fadi Jreissati held a press conference in his minister's office to discuss the waste crisis in the north of the country. He stressed that "we have not found the appropriate solution to the waste crisis in the north, but we are at the beginning of solutions".

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