A committee meeting in Kfarhazir refused to die every day because of the cement plants


The Kafrhazir Environment Committee organized an environmental meeting in front of the cement quarries of Majidil district in Kafrhazir, rejecting "the daily death of Kura residents caused by cement factories due to the use of heavy deciduous fuels (Petrococ) Between houses, and because of the spread of toxic gases and heavy metals in the air and soil and groundwater, and the removal of bulldozers from mountains and orchards and sources , and the arrival of bulldozers in people.
(19659003) Participants stated that Koura "was facing a total war of extermination with cancer" Heart disease and chest and genetic diseases "and called on the relevant authorities" to force cement plants to remove their bulldozers Kafrhazir and Badbhon and to immediately close these careers and the violation of the license. "They called the" suspects in the concerned municipalities to stop receiving money from cement plants and to stop taking transport contracts with these companies and to stop working as sales agents of these companies. "[19659002] "They asked the deputies of Al-Koura" to prevent the export of cement and clinker and to allow the import of cement with less than half the monopoly price sold by the cement factories to the Lebanese people and the reduction of the price of cement to 40 dollars. "The cement factories were the last Ghbadan Salloum who died

They invited the sons of Al-Koura and Lebanon to participate at the popular sit-in Thursday night, next Thursday, near the cement plants in the square on the side of the Shatka-Batroun highway after the bridge. (19659006) function windowResize () {
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