A common condition that warns of death by stroke


01/25 08:26

Experts from the University of South Carolina warn that severe migraines of middle age are a harbinger of the risk of stroke.

A new study found that people over the age of 50 with migraines, a type of common vision characterized by distorted flashing lights, run the risk of having a stroke over the next 20 years.

Researchers found that younger people with migraine had no increased risk of stroke.

Experts followed the case of 11,600 people for two decades and found that patients who developed Aura status after age 50 had a chance to have a stroke of 8.3%, or 2.17 times more likely than those who did not have migraines.

It was found that patients with migraine without the disease "Ora" did not present any increased risk, regardless of the onset of the disease.

"I think this is very helpful because many migraine sufferers are concerned about the risk of stroke," said lead author of the study, Xiao Michele Androcles, head of neurology at the WJB Dorn VA Medical Center in South Carolina. Especially when they grow up and they risk other cardiovascular diseases. "

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