A council of Assi El Hellani in Elissa … So the answer has arrived!


In the style of Egyptian songs, the artist # Asi_ Halhani wrote a song to the artist # Elissa Mbarka with the song "To all those who love me", the title of his next album on July 25th.

Queen of the Sensation ", in which he said:" No matter what they said,
What is important is the touch cutter / Khaliky Mashia with your senses / and you will only live old. Elissa responded to Hilani with a tweet in which she wrote: "You are a beautiful person from your home and abroad. I love you so much. "It is worth mentioning that Elissa had launched the song" Karhni "last night through the application of" Anghami ", and became popular by dealing with a new theme of the couple's behavioral theme in the post-emotional relationship. , b, e, v, n, t, s)
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