A crisis between Wael Jassar and Jad Khalifa because of a Tunisian wedding!


  A crisis between Wael Jbadar and Jad Khalifa because of a Tunisian wedding
A crisis between Wael Jbadar and Jad Khalifa because of a Tunisian wedding

A crisis between Wael Jbadar and Jad Khalifa because of a Tunisian wedding! The Charter, citing Jawahar, is spreading a crisis between Wael Jbadar and Jad Khalifa because of a Tunisian wedding !, a crisis between Wael Jbadar and Jad Khalifa because of a Tunisian wedding!

The Charter Artist Jad Khalifa presented a video through his account on Facebook complaining about his colleague Wael Jbadar's actions with him, accusing him of interfering to block his participation in a wedding in Tunisia last Saturday. [19569005] Jad Khalifa did not hide his shock in front of the actions of Wael Jbadar, saying that he did not lack celebrity to guide him.
Jad Khalifa said, "I wish all those who love me and follow me to share this video to the press and to public opinion." We met in the plane with the artist Wael Jbadar, and during the conversation with him it turned out that he would sing in the same joy that I would sing as he had a concert the next day. "

Wael that I will participate in the same weddings of the wedding, and as soon as we arrived at the airport in Tunisia, me and I and the orchestra were submitted the next day I received a call wedding guests that they wanted to cancel.
The subject greatly surprised me and then I learned that Wael Jbadar was standing behind him, and he called the owners of the wedding and their said that he would return to Beirut. "I did not understand the meaning of what happened and hope you will help me find an explanation. "
Jad Khalifa" It is a shame that things are reaching this level and I can not say that I wish the Jbadar of God We thank you for your follow-up and we always promise you to provide all that there is better … and to transfer news from all sources of news and facilitate your reading. Do not forget the IK work for our Facebook page and follow the latest news on Twitter. Greetings with the Family Charter website.
The Charter, a crisis between Wael Jbadar and Jad Khalifa because of a Tunisian wedding Follow us on the social networking sites of our site to receive regular news

Source: Jawaher

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