A displaced Syrian return from Shebaa to their country


Syrian displaced person returning from Shebaa to his country

Lebanese public security confirmed that "no return to those who could be arrested"

Sunday – 16 Dhu al-Qaeda 1439 – 29 July 2018 No [

At the Pbadage Point of the Lebanese Factory (AFP)

Beirut: "Middle East"

The second convoy of displaced Syrians from the city of Shebaa in south-eastern Lebanon and the western and central Bekaa to Syria began yesterday by the Lebanese factory, under the supervision of the Lebanese General Security, including the General, General Abbas Ibrahim, said: He stressed that "we are determined not to return displaced people to Syria," stressing that "all displaced returnees have no problems, nor security nor justice in Syria. "
About a thousand displaced from the Central and Western Bekaa Shabaa and Arqub villages across the border crossing from the factory, according to the" Walka After the completion of preparations logistics, 35 buses of displaced persons headed for Syria via the Shabaa-Rashidiya-Al-Wadi road. The buses arrived at noon in the city of Shebaa to transport the displaced people who arrived in 2012 and 2013 through the valleys and hills overlooking the Syrian Golan and Beit Jinn Farm
The returnees, whose names were verified and submitted to the Syrian authorities. At Shab'a High School, carrying their belongings and belongings amid the deployment of the Lebanese army and security forces around the high school and on the road that leads there and in the presence of the leaders of the organizations United Nations that interrogates the displaced about their returns. "We are proceeding according to the mechanism we have put in place, and we are calling those who voluntarily want to return to the large number of public security centers to register their names, and we are not responsible for the delay," he said. A lot of displaced people to Syria and we are waiting for the approval to come back.
Ibrahim stressed that "we are determined not to return any displaced in Syria can be arrested, all returnees have no problem, no security and judicial in Syria, Some return to colonization" The role of the United Nations is to ensure the voluntary return of these displaced persons, and the representative of one of the badociations stated that returnees are satisfied and have high morale and continued with those who have returned to Beit Jann encouraged them to come back, "stressing that" the mechanism followed by public security is the mechanism that will work with any party, Russian or not, "stressing that there are" facilities to the Syrian state "," If the Syrians had bad intentions, God forbid, they would have agreed to return They then arrested the wanted men. He said, "We are trying to coordinate with the Syrians to not send the wanted people to encourage others to come back, and finally we are working to address the needs of justice or security, and many have wanted and settled their situation. "
The number of Syrians displaced from Central and Western Bekaa who wish to return voluntarily to their villages is 134, according to Lebanese public security regulations.


Lebanon [19659009] Syrian refugees

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