A film actress accuses a famous rape director


An actress accuses a famous director of violating the news observatory, citing the Egyptians: we are releasing a movie actress who accuses a famous director of raping her, an actress accuses a famous director of raping her.

News Monitor The Daily Mail reports details about the attack of a famous filmmaker against an actress from the Paris hotel

The actress Sand van Roy, 27, tells the British newspaper the details of his badault that begins with a cup of tea. The 59-year-old director attacked her at the Bristol hotel in the French capital of Paris after returning from the Cannes Film Festival this year, reported Sky News.

In an interview with BFM television, "I was afraid of death, and it was never far away."

She added, "I felt the pain go up, up to the second day, when" I told him to stop, I told him so clearly – this did not happen. not to say not only: there were tears, vomiting … I was forced to practice

French media reports that Van Rue has been the mistress of Besson for two years.

In turn, the lawyer's director, Thierry Marimbert, says that his client "lies". "And that he will present his evidence in court, and not on television."

Marmbert confirmed that Van Roy knew Besson well, but that he "did not act inappropriately "

According to an investigator, Van Roy, who appeared in two of Besson's films," drank a cup of tea, felt nauseated and lost consciousness "before Besson forcibly approached him. She did not bad.

According to Roy's story, Besson left the hotel at 2 am, leaving her money without saying a word.

The next day she realized that his body had been badaulted, so I went to District 20 police station

Police officers in the French capital confirmed that Besson was under investigation for rape.

Van Rui met for the first time Besson in "Valerian" and "The City of a Planet", with Rihanna and supermodel Kara Delving.

The Thread m was co-produced by the wife of Besson, 46, and Virginie Besson Sila, also a mother of three.

The family lives in Los Angeles, despite Besson's return from America to his native France, especially Paris

Besson has two daughters from two previous relationships, one with Mayine actress The Piscot, At the age of 16

These allegations have eclipsed the Cannes Film Festival, where rumors about the Besson scandal are spreading, while the controversy over the famous Hollywood controversy Harvey Weinstein, accused of stealing money from the public, is still in the news. badually badault many women, do not stop. Thank you for following us and we always promise to provide all that is better .. and the news transfer from all sources For news and easy to read for you. Do not forget the IK work for our Facebook page and follow the latest news on Twitter. With greetings from the family of the Observatory's information website.
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