A new batch of refugees from Arsal returning to Syria – Alankabout Spider – Lebanon News – Australia News


Last Updated: 1 hour ago

Source: The Journal of the Lebanese Republic – Issa Yahya


Author: The Electronic Spider

Views: 119

On the way back to Syria, Arsal IDPs made their second step ten days after the first step, after six years of moving to the city,

Through the mountain roads that they had traditionally escaped explosive barrels and barrels, Nazho Arsal returns to their towns and villages in the city. 39, west of Kalamoun (Gragier, Sahl, Qara, Flita, Yabrud and others) after the Syrian army, which receives returnees at the border, is deployed by a military security point which is installed very carefully and checks names approved in advance, pending the approval of registered names and a new list is saved.

Dozens of trucks, tractors and bulldozers have been gathering in the Wadi Hameed district since 6 am, where the Lebanese public security has created a security point to check the names approved by Syrian security, ie 448 names out of 3200 In the municipality of Arsal and with UNHCR to return Saturday, 377 names after the twenty-eighth of last month about 270 displaced.

With the Lebanese army spread along Wadi Hamid Road, return of returnees began when the cars began to follow each other at the public security point where items were checked with names and numbers cars that have been registered. Yesterday, the quality of vehicles was mainly composed of trucks and bulldozers, in addition to the municipality of Arsal who provided buses to transport displaced people who had no mechanism to transport them.

Dozens of families gathered for

Before Subhi al-Khatib, his family, consisting of his wife and three children, returned to his hometown of Fayta, he declared to the republic that he wanted to come back a long time ago but that he would not come back. It was not possible and confirmed that returning home is better grateful to wear during this time.

In turn, Fleita's son also Farhan Ghosn came back with those whose names were approved, but in the Yabrud area where they would live. Until he repairs his house, partially destroyed by the war, while his son Mohammed says, "Shaw, what was important, it is our father."

Ahmad Ouda is the second time that he accepts the name of his wife without his name. Al-Faraj "in the third batch, according to him.
From the meeting point near amusement parks in Hamid al-La valley IDPs returning with General Security and Red Cross to Zomrani crossing point where Syrian security established a point to check the names, and after the completion of the convoy was accompanied by the Syrian Army

Public Security
"As part of the follow-up of Syrian refugees wishing to return to their cities, the Directorate General, in coordination with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the presence of its delegates, has provided for the voluntary return of 377 Syrian refugees from Arsal camps in Syria General Directorate of Public Security for Displaced Persons who started their cars and their special mechanisms from the meeting point in the Hamid Valley to the Zomrani border crossing. "

Source: [19659020] Journal of the Lebanese Republic Issa Yahya

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