A new update in WhatsApp will lock the account with "fingerprint"


The new tech gadgets explained that the famous "WhatsApp" messaging application had added fingerprint account lockout technology, a feature you encountered months ago in the WhatsApp release on the system. operating "iOS".

The microblogging network "WhatsApp", revealed a new update of its beta operating system "Android", which has added new technologies to increase the security of user accounts.

You will need WhatsApp settings to register your fingerprint, so that it is enabled on your account, and the email platform will not rely on the fingerprint already attached to the settings. your phone.

According to the technical site of Android Central, WhatsApp will allow users to answer incoming calls without using fingerprint, so as not to clutter users.

Any user can enter WhatsApp settings, add a fingerprint, and then add an auto lock time, between 1 minute and 30 minutes.

If you activate your fingerprint, you will not be able to open messages or view notifications before unlocking WhatsApp via a fingerprint, because the phone considers that the content is completely hidden when activating this fingerprint.

It is expected that this new technology will be enabled for all WhatsApp users of Android and iOS operating systems.

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